With a joyful song, we rise today to the glory of our God and to praise Him forever. What a blessed day it is for us when we walk in the Lord and in the light of His word. Let the people of the Lord, sing songs upon their beds. Though sorrow comes, in this we trust that the Lord will make our beds in peace and comfort. Though darkness seems to vile the face of the Lord, yet our anchors hold on the Solid Rock. All other rocks might fail but the Rock of Ages will not. Other grounds may suddenly turn to sinking ones, but in Christ Jesus we have found a sure foundation which the storms and winds of the world cannot deter. Oh that we may live holy forever for God to have the preeminence! Father, purge us and cleanse us for your use and glory in the name of Jesus.


Today, the rate at which we disobey God is unbelievably alarming. He calls but we won’t answer. Every time, He beckons to us but it’s as if it is not enough. We have transgressed in this which we have done. We have not altogether obeyed God completely. In this, I confess by fault and my sins also. What about you? Beloved, there are areas and aspects of our lives where we just must need God to help us. And if He calls, it means He alone can help us. It is totally unwise and act of foolishness to behave in a manner compared to that of a deaf person not to obey and follow our Saviour. Father, have mercy on us and quicken us!




1. King of glory, thank you for hastening us to accept your invitation and for saving us. Please, accept our thanks and praises in the name of Jesus – Ps. 19:1-2.


2. Oh Lord, help me to make haste in things pertaining or concerning your Kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ. To love what Thou loves and hate what you hate – Ps. 119:60.


3. Father, I am sorry for constant and consistent disobedience against your commandment in my life. I hate it when I grieve you. Please, quicken me, forgive me and let your Spirit put all things in order in my life in the name of Jesu Christ – Ps. 51:6-11.


4. Oh Lord my God, grant me the earnestness of your Spirit and zeal not to toil, joke play with or take lightly your word be it in promises or threatenings in the name of Jesus – Gal. 4:18.


5. Father, put in me the eagerness, knowledge and zeal to always tremble at your word and to obey you always in the name of Jesus – Rom. 8:19-20.


6. Oh Lord my Father, take away the harden heart of mine and give me a new heart and a new Spirit put within me in the name of Jesus – Ezk. 36:26.


7. Father, grant repentance of sins to all that are perishing in the name of Jesus. As from now, Oh Lord, by your grace and mercy, deliver us from captivity and bondages in the name of Jesus – Ps. 32:1-2.


8. Holy Father, do not let us postpone or procrastinate the salvation and deliverance you desire for us now in the name of Jesus Christ – Ps. 95:7


9. Holy Spirit of God, thou art my helper, fill me and quicken me as you did to Philip to be where you want me to be and to do what you desire of me without hesitation instantly in the name of Jesus – Acts. 8:1-8;25.


10. Oh Lord, in my journey and walk with you, hasten my footsteps home never to go to the left or right away from your way and path which you have ordained for my feet in the name of Jesus. Father, help me! – Is. 35:8.


Father, you know us deeply more than anybody else. Oh Lord my God, you know where I have erred and wronged you exceedingly. Dear Lord, come to my aid and deliver me from enemies within and without that are slowing my speed down in the name of Jesus. Individually and as a nation, Father, deliver us from every sin that easily beset us and give us liberty of the Spirit that we may work and walk worthily in the name of Jesus. So, Lord, unto you we have come, the hearts of men are full of wickedness and evil. Send your Spirit to us to flush all that is not yours in us. Grant us speed and acceleration that we may run till the vision you have for us be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. Father, have mercy on us! Just have mercy for your name sake and for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ.



Happy Sunday in advance!


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