Another day in the year. Lest you forget, today is the one hundred and twenty first day of the year. Approximately, the one-third part of the year. Now, look back (we don’t mean to backslide or be proud). We mean, look through and see the works of God in all these we have mentioned so far. The beginning of the fifth month of the year. There is enough reason to thank God. “But why do you expect me to thank God?” Sir, you have asked a good question. “Me? Thank God? For what? I don’t have this; I don’t have that. See my health, it’s failing. Look at my business, the economy is not encouraging. Behold my family, there is discombobulation. So why thank God?” Friend, relax. You’ve given your reasons and tenable excuses. Fine! No argument with you Sir. We aren’t going to wrestle together with you in words, ma. Listen and let the Spirit of God minister to you. The reasons you’ve stated not to thank God are still the same reasons you would have to thank Him. Look and look through. May the Lord give you understanding.


Let’s read today’s text together and we pray the Lord will visit our heart today in the name of Jesus. There are three points to be deduced from hear, namely; the location of rest, the place of envy and fretting and lastly the ways of the ungodly. However, we shall only concentrate on the first, leaving the other two points till another time God gives permission and instruction on them. For now, we are to lean on God for His word. We believe, there is such a glorious earnestness in our soul when our hearts are closer to His mouth. His lips will surely dispense wisdom as such as is not common in this world. Impossible to find among children of men. Lord, speak for Thy servants hear.

The first admonition goes to the way-faring men, men who have hazarded their lives for the gospel and the sake of their master. In this world, they have lost almost or virtually everything. No friends, relatives, families. Appointed to die for the sake of the good course of their master. Like the apostle said, “for they are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.” This word is for you Sir and it is not excluding you, ma. Rest in the Lord. You have toiled for so long. The fire of the word of the Lord is in your bones burning and now you are covered with zeal to work for your Lord whatever the cost. Though the world mock and despise you, these things don’t move you. Rest in the Lord.

And again, we come to the afflicted upon whom the storms of the world had been covering. It is as though all things are against you including your flesh/body. From one challenge to another. People are beginning to ask question and give suggestion that, “why would a man who knows God like you keep having trials upon trials.” They suggested like Job’s wife that, “deny the Lord and die.” Thank God that it was there and then the Spirit of the Lord flooded your heart and brooded upon your soul bringing this to your remembrance that, “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivered him from them all.” Therefore, you are able to say without fear and doubt that, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him…” Unto you this word has come, REST IN THE LORD.

We have another set of people to speak to. Those who cumbered themselves with much work and labour. Women like Martha and men to whom Jesus said, “all that labour and heavy laden.” Know ye not that, if the Lord does not build a city, they labour in vain that build. Like Peter, you’ve toiled not just all night but throughout your youthful age all the days of your life and getting into old age, you are still toiling. And even as we speak, there is nothing to point to as an achievement. This is an indicator telling you Sir, that it is time to rest in the Lord. You nurtured your children, labored for them and trained them in the way of the Lord yet they rebelled against you. Ma, that is the best you could do and nothing more. You are to rest in the Lord for it is He who will teach them and great shall be the peace of thy children. Aren’t you tired of the toiling? He calleth thee. Jesus calls you. Come! for He said, “I will give you rest.” You need rest.

The next people we are obliged to preach to are the sick, the aged, those who are nearer to their grave than before, those who are having one disease in the body affecting their system and deteriorating their health. Are you a Child of God? If you are one, thank God. You have the best ally in whom you are to rest. Truth be told, there are times God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Death to the world means an agent of fear and torment but to you, O Child of God, it is the glorious angel upon whose wings you are to fly to the one whom you love. It shall be that, the Lord will come and heal and make you whole, just rest in Him. And if it pleases God to take you, it shall be for you that, “And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” And this shall be a prophecy fulfilled for you that, “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” What a blessing that is for you! Beloved, rest in the Lord because there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Don’t miss this rest!

Finally, oh ye sinners, if ye shall come saying, “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling.” Ye shall have rest for your souls. The wages and labour of sin are more than what you could pay. Be wise! Come, I mean run unto the Lord for rest. I am afraid that if you won’t yield then there is no rest but torment, grieve and gnashing of teeth for you. You cannot say this that, “And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Because where thou goest, the worms don’t die neither is the fire quenched and it shall be forever. Also, oh ye reprobate and rebellious children, if ye would not rest in the Lord because this verse which says, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth… that they may rest from their labours…” shall be changed in your case and turned out to be “cursed are the dead which die not in the Lord from henceforth…that they may toil and be tormented in the labours…” And it shall be that if ye would not repent still to rest in the Lord, ye shall have this, “there remaineth therefore a torment to the ungodly.” But just before then friends, come rest in the Lord for He says, “come into the desert place and rest a while.” Only in the Lord, ye shall find rest.

Month of Rest from struggles and toils in the name of Jesu Christ
Happy New Month!


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