“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints – Jude 1:3.”


Faith is on trial. Let no one deceive us that all is well. Everything is contending for our faith. The contention is not ordinary. Its purpose and aim is to rid us of the faith. THE MOMENT A MAN LOSES FAITH, LIFE BEGINS TO SLIP AWAY. There are issues of life that are targeted at us just to make us lose the faith. Battles aren't lost unless teh faith is lost. Likewise, no man wins a battle except the faith is won.


When Christ Jesus was asking a question about faith –

“…Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? – Lk. 8:18”
Do we think He was joking? Never! It is a soul-searching question. Are you still in faith sir? The question is not whether or not you are doing good. The question is not about whether you are still praying or fasting. Answer it simply, are you still in faith?


See, the battle of life is always about the battle of the faith. When the faith level of a man begins to drop, that is when weakness and all forms of weariness begin to find expression. Simon Peter would not sink except for his fainting faith. Friends, even in the face of Christ Jesus, it is still possible for a man who is a disciple to sink or fall. Why? It is about the question of the faith. Have you not wondered that most of the miracles and signs Jesus performed were based on faith? Often, He would say “thy faith hast made you whole.” Does it mean God cannot heal or do anything for a man? Nay! What it means is that the platform on which all the works of God find expression is called faith.


Even our God already stamped it that a doubleminded person cannot receive anything from God –

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways – James 1:6-8.”
Friends, what the enemies are after in your life is not your money as it were. It is not your houses or other possessions, not your wife or husband. The same thing teh devil is always after to sift in every Peter is the faith. That is the reason Jesus prayed -
"But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not... - Lk. 22:32."
The real enemy is after the faith in you knowing that if that is taken then there is nothing in a man than for him to be called a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.


Every Samson shall faint and fall once the locks are gone. Every David, the giant slayer, will become feeble and weak when faith becomes old and weak. Faith is the good thing enemy pursues in a man. Once a man cast off that which is good, there is no pleasure in such treasure again.


Therefore, the admonition the Lord is sending to us this day being the beginning of another month, fight the good fight of faith. Let nothing steal your faith. For if this is taken, ICHABOD becomes the name of the man.


Supposing you are asking why are you to contend for the faith? First, without this, no man can please God. Two, you are not the first it was handled to. If those men and women, the saints and the elders who had gone ahead did not preserve it, what shall you have now to be called faith. And again, if you do not contend for it, what shall you hand over to the generation after.


Faith is the lifeline with which every Christian is to walk and journey through this wilderness and tents of Kedar called earth. Build up yourself in your most holy faith. Anything that is capable of affecting your faith is capable of killing you. A person whose faith is reducing is a dying man. What killed most people in the wilderness was not just the serpents or other forms of pestilence. It was the sin against the faith. Therefore, guard yourself about with the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Alas, alas! If you have not the faith.



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