“And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward – Genesis 13:14.”


Vision, of the major part of it, is the function of the eyes. It is defined to be what we see or our perception of what is seen. Though, vision is defined to be the imagination or the ability to perceive something. But in the real sense of it, vision is ability to see. What is seen and the manner of appearance is another thing entirely. The main definition of vision is seeing.


Today, our focus on vision is how it comes and how it is shaped. The only reason and method outlined by God to shape vision is by the word of God. it was when God said to Abraham or when He sent His word unto him that he was able to see. Hearken, the Lord called unto Him to look and by that reason he saw.


So, what makes us to see vision is by the word of the Lord. Remember, the word of the Lord unto His people from the book of Joel saying –

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions - Joel 2:28.”
With this, we see that the Spirit of the Lord is responsible for seeing vision. In this case, we see that God said He would send His Spirit upon all flesh and the implication is that we would see vision. But then, how does His Spirit come? By His word.


Jesus Christ said,

“…the word I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are life – Jn. 6:63.”
Examine men and women in the scripture, the sole reason they were able to see vision was by the word of the Lord. Take for instance, the man Jeremiah. It is common to him to hear this in his book that “and the word of the Lord came unto me saying.” After this is down, the next thing that took place was “and I saw.” So, when we harness ourselves with the word of God, this will be a way to see vision.


Another man we can use as an example is John the beloved. When he was in the wilderness, it happened that it was on the Lord’s day and he heard a great voice behind him as of a trumpet. After hearing, the next thing was he saw –

“…and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,.. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me – Rev. 1:10-12.”
So, what made John to see in the first place was by what he already heard.


The major reason many people are not seeing vision is because of the rate at which majority of people are destitute of the word of God. Among many reasons and causes, one major reason Gehazi missed the vision of becoming a great prophet of God was because the word of God was not dwelling in him. Think about king Saul. This man sought after familiar spirits. Why? It is because the Lord had not spoken to him by prophets, dreams or visions. So, we have that anyone who does not have the word of God does not have vision.


A greater number of people are under the vision of the devil. What they see is given to them by the devil. And you see the implication of this is that they are still in darkness. What vision do you expect to have when in darkness? Being in darkness is synonymous with blindness. What vision does a blind man have? Many people are operating under the devil’s vision for their lives.


If the word of God does not abide in you, irrespective of who you are, you do not have vision at all. And if you claim to have, it is a distorted and inaccurate one. Of what use is a vision when it is distorted and unreliable? Come to Jesus today and let His word dwell in you richly. Your vision will be restored.



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