Leave me! Let me alone! Was the cry of the man in bondage. Every now and then, there is a shout and sigh heard from his abode. Morning and night mark the persistence of the cry, with the clock ticking, its consistence cannot be overridden. His voice was heard from the great beyond. He desired freedom but it was far from him. He wanted liberation, yet it was not within his reach. In his groaning, he has forgotten that, KNOW YE NOT, THAT TO WHOM YE YIELD YOURSELVES SERVANTS TO OBEY, HIS SERVANTS YE ARE TO Whom Ye Obey;... - Romans:6:16. Perhaps, it escaped his mind that, little drops of water make a mighty ocean as it is written, "PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT, LINE UPON LINE"

In this agony, he needed help desperately. All vices have been used, methods have been adopted, principles followed and philosophy engaged, all to no avail. He craved for escape but no way out. Strength was not enough, wisdom would not come to his rescue to save him, till he understood Ecclesiastes 9:10, ...FOR THERE IS NO WORK, NOR DEVICE, NOR KNOWLEDGE, NOR WISDOM, IN THE GRAVE, WHITHER THOU GOEST.

Deep in the ocean of iniquity, swimming aimlessly in there river of transgression; tall and high is the mountain, it seems to be insurmountable. Impossible is the task to overcome sin caused by negligence and addiction. He called out to helpers but there was none. Friend could not deliver him irrespective of the approaches they took. Counsels and advice were like unending just to solve his problem, yet all he desired was to be freed and released from this dreadful abode.

Like a splash of water on a glass, his thoughts moved. As a spark of fire was the instability of his mind. Lost in thought, he said loudly to himself, WHAT IF I DIE, WHERE WOULD I GO. Indeed, he knew the answer to the question. He continued, WHAT IF I STAND BEFORE HIS THRONE, WHAT WOULD BE MY LOT?

He was about to ask another question when he was jerked back to reality that he was drowning, covered with all forms of lust and lasciviousness. He lost hope but faint was still the desire to be saved in him. Oh! Help Me! Another round of rescue gasp. Due to the abode and it's features, iniquity abound and love of many waxed cold. Miserable was his life, riotous was his living.

Just at a point where the present is to meet the future; just about the moment cloud was about leaving rain, then and there THE SAVIOUR fulfilling the Truth that, "...WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US. Just as when Peter was sinking, He stretched forth His hand to deliver him, pulled him, put and drew him out of the abode of iniquity.

Then he understood that, ...FOR BY STRENGTH SHALL NO MAN PREVAIL. Reflecting about/on his past and his torment in the abode of iniquity. He made a re resolution in song, "I'VE GOT MY MIND MADE UP AND I WON'T TURN BACK ..

I'm saved!
Praise God...




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