Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world - 1 John:4:17.

I'm just happy to know that when Christ shall come, we shall be like him. Though it does not appear to be so now but with full assurance in His word, most assuredly, we shall be like Him...

What's so delightful and joyous than to know and realise you're the likeness of God? What a state of privilege and honour! I mean exalted and lifted high position. Not like the Cherubim, Seraphim and not even like the angelic beings; but like God! Hallelujah!!! Oh my Lord just make me to continually see that I'm in your likeness in Jesus' Name.

Many would have sold all they had to earn or better still inherit this status... I tell you of a Truth, it's more than what money can buy. Thank you God for this priceless inheritance.

I searched and couldn't find what in us would get us to such an elevated platform where we look like Him... Oh God! See through and search us, is there anything in us that is not in your likeness, please, take care of them all.

Isn't it lovely and full of glad tidings to be in His image and likeness... AS HE'S IN HEAVEN SO ARE WE ON EARTH. Oh beloved! Aren't you cheerful that your Maker THE POSSESSOR OF THE HEAVEN AND EARTH, there's no searching for His Understanding... He does not go weary nor tired, so are you... He's light, likewise you. He doesn't sleep nor slumber, therefore, you're strengthened and strong. HAPPY ARE YE WHEN YOU'RE IN HIS IMAGE. He's THE MOST HIGH, you can't afford to be THE MOST LOW.

I believe you have not forgotten so soon that *He's light*, so are you... He's righteous and you have that as well not by works lest you boast but by the life in His Only and Holy Son.

In Him there's no darkness at all... What's that darkness doing? Arise, cast off that sadness, put away the ash of despondence and sorrow...Let the world know that you're the and in LIKENESS OF GOD... When they see you they see God... This is in no way to make ourselves equal with God; and by no means is it that we should live our whole life in fear of bondage, sin and pangs of the wicked...

OUR FATHER WHICH AT IN HEAVEN, says the Lord's prayer, we can't afford to live below... We live in heaven as well. So when I say I live in Heaven, you should understand. It's should be underrated, overstressed or  exaggerated. For God ... HATH RAISED US UP TOGETHER, AND MADE US SIT TOGETHER IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS: and we are - FAR ABOVE ALL PRINCIPALITY, AND POWER, AND MIGHT, AND DOMINION, AND EVERY NAME THAT IS NAMED, NOT ONLY IN THIS WORLD, BUT ALSO IN THAT WHICH IS TO COME:.

Just don't forget that however the case may be, YOU'RE THE LIKENESS OF GOD. Therefore, walk worthy of that likeness and image.

Oh! What a likeness and what an image so full of light...

LIKENESS of GOD Greetings to you All

Have a Favourable Weekend!


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