Previously, we’ve learnt about what take nothing could mean. Today the aspect of take nothing we shall be going through is “THOUGHT.” Take no thought on what? You would like to know, right? The Lord did not leave us in the dark concerning this. Categorically, there are four aspects He addressed

  1. Life – Mt. 6:25, Luke 12:22.
  2. Food (Eat/Drink) – Mt. 6:25, 31;
  3. Cloth - Mt. 6:25, 31;
  4. Speech – Mark 13:11

Let’s be sincere to ourselves and truthful to God. Aren’t we troubled about the listed items above? We sure do. Why? Because we think we need more than God’s promise to survive. That’s a spirit of error. I plead you cast that out. How on earth could we believe we need more than God to live.

Is the Omnipotent power now failing? God forbid! Are His thoughts towards changing? Be it far from Him. Could it be that He’s a liar and that He won’t fulfill that which He’s said? Capital NO, Let God be true! Does it mean that He’s no longer the Sovereign God over all about whom it was written that, “He is good to all and rich over all”? The Possessor of the Heaven and Earth, Hallowed be thy Name. Have forgotten so soon that, “…in Him we live, move and have our being…?”

Now tell me, have you been able to provide all these for yourself without Him? So, why the stress? He who says, take nothing is able to give all things. Just follow as He leads. Don’t try to go past Him… you know not where the way leads, but He knows.

The words of the Scriptures such as “Be careful for nothing…” aren’t meant to cajole us or deceive us. They are real. Jesus said, they are Spirit and Life… Clothes, another subject of discussion. They come in various colours and sizes… to what end? Moth and Canker! And also, Speech, that would be later.

The concern is, we think we have all it takes to solve life’s challenges. Where has that led you? Allow me to use this American intonation, “If you don’t gat Jesus, you gat nothing.” These are what God can do. Clear the decks! God has something great for you in mind, but when you’re occupied with many things, where will He be! Clear all… Nothing should be found, so that God can be the fullness of All in All. If you take something, you may think it's that which you've taken that paved way. Take Nothing! Open the window and shoots in the Name of Jesus.
Remember, don’t forget the word of the Lord, “Take Nothing”…

Take nothing greetings to You All.


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