My prayer to God is that we won’t lose the sense of the difference due to our reasoning in the Name of Jesus. I mean the sense of the difference between the Holy and the Profane, between ungodly and Godly, between sons and dogs. Why? I am afraid if due actions are not taken we might lose a generation full of virtues and marvelous deeds and acts of God.


Dear Brethren, let us pay attention to the warnings of God and take cautions lest we become altogether ungodly, unfaithful, unbelieving, undeserving, ill-deserving and hell-deserving due to our disobedience to the “HEAVENLY VISION.” Isaiah said, “…I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.”

Gradually and bit by bit, we are becoming too reasonable that we are bending the standard at will and holding the Truth of God in unrighteousness. Should things continue this way, our sense of reasoning would be utterly damaged and become filthy without any form of hatred towards things that are satanic, demonic and earthly.

Just few instances from God’s word will do us goo today if we heed and learn. Let’s compare and contrast to see whether or not we are doing what is right and acceptable. Abraham was called “ALONE” but due to reasoning, he decided to tale Lot along. If not for God’s intervention of wisdom, division would have done more harm than good. Did you realise that it was after they separated, that was when Abraham could have the PROMISE CHILD. Reasoning cost Gehazi more than he could pay or bargain. It was not time/period to receive gifts but he was obstinately reasonable, losing a greater gift. This has brought the old adage in the land of Israel to practical fulfilment in us which says, “ISRAEL HATH CAST OFF THE THING THAT IS GOOD: THE ENEMY SHALL PURSUE HIM. – Hosea 8:3.”

Due to this act/art of being reasonable, Demas thought it well to leave/forsake Paul unknown to him that it was a trap which would cause injury from which recovery is far. Men and women of history made some indelible mistakes which left a negative mark/print in the heart and soul of men of this generation. Should we continue with the mistakes? Never! Out of reasoning, Eve took and engaged in the forbidden, “AND WHEN THE WOMAN SAW THAT THE TREE WAS GOOD FOR FOOD, AND THAT IT WAS PLEASANT TO THE EYES, AND A TREE TO BE DESIRED TO MAKE ONE WISE, SHE TOOK OF THE FRUIT THEREOF…Genesis 3:6.”

If David should have agreed with reasoning, he would not even think of undertaking the task of the Giant Philistine. Moses should have denied God at the verge of the Red Sea going by reasoning. Even Jehoshaphat should not dare to go to war with the choristers leading. Nowadays we call that risk… but it was called faith then. This is a pure defilement of men reasoning. The three Hebrews, just at the point they were about to be thrown in the fiery furnace, did not reason with the king’s offer. Oh! God come and make us whole and revive us again!

Satan is seriously making the things of the Kingdom of God to look and sound foolish to us while he presents his to be acceptable, painting and decorating them attractively. Many are falling for them daily. No wonder many are losing in the spiritual warfare; because we are too reasonable.

The word of God tells us that, “THIS THING IS NOT GOOD” but because we try to reason, we say. “AND IT IS NOT THAT BAD.” Haba! Who deceived us? Should we then blame God for giving us brains and intellects? God forbid! This I know for sure that God is too faithful to give us what will kill/destroy us.
Now let’s move to other matter such as fasting, praying, tithe, offering, vow and comedy. Sincerely, the wolves have crept into the fold just as we were told and warned by God. On a daily basis we are being told that it’s not all about fasting and praying anymore. And we due to our fallible and pliable thoughts accept, forgetting what the Lord Jesus told us that “…THIS KIND CAN COME FORTH BY NOTHING, BUT BY PRAYER AND FASTING” and “…MEN OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY, AND NOT TO FAINT;” Who then should we believe, the wolves or Jesus? I know at this point that, some will be too reasonable that would prefer the wolves to Jesus, what a degradation!

Some have gone to an extent of telling people that we don’t need to fast again. I refuse to be reasonable with these beliefs and those spreading them.
Comedy is now rampamt on the Holy Altar and in the Holy Temple of God and we see nothing bad/wrong with this. We joke about the sacred things and men of God standing in Holy Offices. Many are sowing discord among brethren telling us that there is difference between the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. Ha! God have mercy! Also, that righteousness is by faith only but forgetting even faith has works present therein. Don’t give tithe and offering is part of the instructions they give to us daily which is against the Lord’s “GIVE AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU.” These men are wolves…and if they be women, they are dogs. Beware of dogs!

Faith is being merchandised and we are not burned. God please quicken our memory today and forever. For sure, some will pick offense in this but I have decided not to be reasonable with anything or anyone that is not in accordance with God.

All of us, want to be reasonable at one point or the other but not at the expense of the Truth. Most of us have been reasonable and no doubt the increasing number of our friends can bear us witness or testify to this. No one wants to be hated, forsaken or despised, the very reason our tolerance has made us to be unequally yoked with the world. But Jesus said, “AND YE SHALL BE HATED OF ALL MEN FOR MY NAME'S SAKE: BUT HE THAT ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED – MATTHEW 10:22.” Now if our friends or family hate us, we start feeling and thinking as if something is wrong with us. Yes something is wrong, either with us or with them. Something is wrong with us, if we start to feel like compromising the Truth because we don’t want to be hated.

I know you can testify to this that we are so much like the world that we cannot be differentiated from it. Why? We are too reasonable. These things ought not to be. I believe if out Yes be yes and No be no; the world will hate us because we did not reason with them. But what is the hatred of this world compared to the acceptance of the whole Hosts of heavens and that of our God.

Let the world keep on hating us for all we care, they should call us names if they so desire – because we refuse to reason with their philosophies, sciences, beliefs, discoveries and precepts; by then we can say boldly, “…IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?”


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