
Showing posts from May, 2020


YOUR FIRST LOVE? – (MONEY III) Now, glory, honour and might be unto God both now and forever. Amen. Each time we think about the greatness and great deeds of God we are not to overlook them with familiarity or negligence but with awesome and earnest acknowledgement of His Mighty Works wrought through Christ Jesus in Him we have eternal life. We ought to hold firmly the good word of God in high esteem and reverence. With this in place, let us give glory and thanks to God the Father, from whom we have justification by faith, forgiveness of sin, and reconciliation. It is a privilege to call God, Father! Take full advantage of this and let us altogether call, ABBA! By God’s grace we shall be completing this series soon God willing. Before then, it will be for our own good to search inwardly what our first love is all about. Is our first love about Money? Or has money taken away our first love? Do we really love as we claim? Money is not the root of all evil but it has been the major cause ...


YOUR FIRST LOVE? – GOD God is love! God is fearful and merciful. The fear here is not to have an appearance that is scary or to condemn, it is for us to know that He is all in all. The mercies of God are past finding out and inexhaustible from eternity past to eternity future. We love Him because He first love us. In utmost term, God is love. It is on this basis we need to approach Him and love Him more. He is our Shield and Buckler, The Lifter up of Our head. Alpha and Omega. The Beginning Himself and the Ending. For as many that believe on the Name of Jesus Christ and are born of the Spirit, they are God’s. For it is written that, “ are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.” It is high time we began to turn and depend on Him forever for our sustenance and victory. His love is great that while we were yet sinners Christ came and died for us. But come to think of it, how glorious and wonderful is it going to be now that we have been redeemed from the shackles and chains of sins. HE THAT L...


YOUR FIRST LOVE? (TALENTS) How many of us have thought over and over, time and again concerning this statement in the Scripture, "...He gave gifts to men." We can find this in the book of Ephesians. If we haven't, we need to starting thinking over it and thanking God for it. Without fail and any iota of lie, God is gracious and generous and the proof of this is present in all He has blessed us with. Shouldn't we marvel at the administrative coordination of God's plan and agenda? Of a truth, the whole world is left in amazement and wonders. What a Mighty God we serve! In order to round up this series on time, much explanation won't be used for this particular session. There are some important questions to ask and they demand good answers. Questions like, what are the sources of talents? Why are they given? How do we find out that we have talents? Where to use them? And finally, how to use them? Anyway, some of these questions won't be answered for coverage,...


ALL OTHER gods Blessed be the Name of The Lord for His manifold many faceted and multi-dimensional love, grace and peace multiplied unto us, for we cannot deny that the grace of God which brings salvation has appeared to us all. Hallelujah! We serve a living God and so we have the life of God present in us and it is not heresy when we say indeed we are living souls. Praise God! And if we are glad and confident of this it is good that we praise the Lord. Well, let living souls shout, Hallelujah! What is that things that does not merit the thanks to God – we must, as it is more than obligation for us to, praise God. A new day, a new life, a new joy, new mercies, new compassion, new forgiveness, new healing, new provision, new direction, new guidance – always new every morning great is God’s faithfulness. Thank God for a new day with privileges of assurance of being His son! …CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHOM YE WILL SERVE; WHETHER THE GODS WHICH YOUR FATHERS SERVED THAT WERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ...