Father of glory, we adore and bless your Holy Name this day for you alone are our God. In you we trust never to be ashamed or dismayed. You are our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms. That same outstretched hand and arm that saved your people (Israel) from captivity and their slavery is mighty to save and deliver us as well. For your numerous blessings and other goodly things, you blessed love and care give to us, we are very grateful for these. You preserve our going out and coming in. Who else would have done this for us but you? In time of insecurity and evil, Lord, you are our Keeper and Saviour. Thank you, Lord! We forever cast down our crowns and royal diadems and make you the Lord of all. Almighty God, to you be all the glory both now and forever more. Amen.
Previously, we wrote to the believers but now this is written for the unbelievers, the ungodly, sinners and those who thought they have no need of God, that they are good to go as they are. They think they are okay and welcome to heaven as they are. Tell them about their sins, they would begin to say, “this is no sin compared to what other people do.” They think the Most High God is like them and the children of men who would collect bribe and condone evil. You hate instruction and cast the word of the Lord behind you. When you saw thieves, you consented with them and becoming partaker with adulterers day-in day-out. You gave your mouth to evil and your tongue framed deceit. Every now and then, you sit and speak against your brother and slandered your own mother’s sons and daughters (your siblings). Thus saith the Lord, “These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.” We beseech you, O ye that forget God, lest He tears you in pieces and there be none to deliver you.
Now to the text: kindly read the text again. The wicked prospers. That is true. It happens. So, you may be wondering, “suppose that I am wicked, why should I be so blessed in this way?” Friend, do not be deceived. Earthly speaking, the wicked prospers too. The God you don’t want to acknowledge is blessing you daily either you believe it or not. He is rich in mercy and for this reason, He is blessing you daily and making you fat. The irony is that, the more He loves you the greater your hate for Him. “…your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” The psalmist said, “The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.” And in as much as you are part of His works, His graciousness and mercies extend to you also. Just that in your case, you have refused to praise and acknowledge God.
Listen, for many years the Lord has shown you grace and kindness but you wouldn’t change neither did you return to Him. Let this be known to you that, the day is coming when the judgement of the Lord shall come upon you fiercely. Since you would not allow His mercy to change you and His grace to renew you, His judgement shall surely condemn and destroy you. Come, learn and let the Spirit of the Lord give you understanding. Do you know the land Idumea? Have you read about it before? Come, let’s go through the Scriptures together. The land was such a good and prosperous land but they forsook the direction and dictates of the Lord which led to this prophecy. This prophecy was given way back into centuries of years before its fulfillment likewise, it may be that workers of iniquities would prosper for years while the prophecy of their destruction tarried but it would surely come to pass.
Idumea was the Land, Herod reigned over as king. Do you recollect now? Remember, when he made a decree to kill the children in the land because of Jesus. What a decree of wickedness! You know what? After some years, he died! But there was another Herod who reigned during the days of the apostles. Beware of names too! The same was he who beheaded and imprisoned James and Peter respectively. He didn’t learn from his predecessors, so he wrought wickedness and evil deeds ranging from envy, adultery, coveteousness to pride that the end of those who gave themselves to such things would surely be destruction and damnation. On a fateful day, it was written that as he spoke, he didn’t give God the glory, so the angel of the Lord struck him and he died; instantly, he was eaten by worms.
And you our friend, now that you are being promoted from one position of honour to another glorious position of honour. You puff up and like the unrighteous judge in your case you say, “Though I fear not God, nor regard man yet I prosper and progress”. Listen, we have seen beggars riding on horses while princes walk afoot. But what would be the end of those beggars if they wouldn’t give God the glory, they sure do return to their beggarly state and this time around it would be far worse than they were before. Perhaps Herod didn’t learn from people who reigned before his time, we beseech you, learn this through his life that, at any point (you may not know the point particularly therefore, don’t leave it to chances) of your life you refuse to give glory to God haven made you fat and gloriously arrayed, you are like a brute beast with no knowledge. Here is what the Psalmist has to say, “Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.”
This is a test to show that you the person we are referring to: if you haven’t known the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If you don’t believe in the only begotten Son of the Father, then you must be the person. You love darkness more than light. You put good for evil and evil for good. Repent and be baptized else ye shall have judgement and condemnation. Are you wondering why God hasn’t killed you yet? His mercy is enduring over you and His grace is that none should perish but that all would come to repentance. But if you won’t repent, I am afraid, He shall blast you with plagues and in the world to come ye shall have torment and gnashing of teeth, except ye repent and return to God. You are made fat in transgressions and iniquities here on earth, when the roll shall be called up yonder and you are not found, ye shall have for yourselves fatter and more grievous weight of punishment and torment. And in there, you dare not say, your punishment is more than it should have been compared to your little sins. We tell you the truth Sir/Ma, if you call your sins little, why didn’t you let go of them?
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