Nevertheless, a man being in honour and understandeth it not, is like a beast that perishes. Know ye not that you are in a honourable position? What honourable position? You queried. O Man! Humble thyself and take away your pride. What have you that is different from others? Moreover, you must have received it from God. So, why the puffing up? However, rich, wise or honourable man is, he must die. Tell me, why do you boast in vanity and glory in things that are temporary. Beauty? It shall fade. Money? It maketh itself wings and flies away. Position? It’s not forever. Breath? Once it is taken, the whole body lies lifeless like a log of wood unmoved, unshaken and unwanted save it is meet for fire. But you, O man, if you die without a sure hope of eternal life, it’s just like when beast dies. Can you differentiate the skeletal bones of that rich man in your town who died ten years ago from that of the poor beggar by the road side, who also died years back? Can you or can’t you? So, it would be when you die and sleep in the earth and thy body got converted to dust and sandy particles. Without the hope of eternal life, what a misearable life you’ve led. But while you are alive, acknowledge your Maker and come to Him in humility that ye may have eternal life. He loves you still.

There was never a time that God would have loved to hear you pray to Him than now. O wayward and disobedient children, you’ve read that, “the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord…” and for this cause, you fret and get troubled. You begin to be moody muttering to yourself the wretchedness of your state. Furthermore, you searched and discovered this to your hurt that, “The LORD is far from the wicked…” How far He is, we cannot say in particular.  Then you ask, “how then can God hear me, now that He is far from me…” Oh there is hope for you sir. Ma, do not be cast down. Let the Spirit of the Lord minister to your soul in that dungeon and miry clay where thou art. You see, the Lord tries the heart. Are you saying presently that, “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling.” Dear, you are the one the Lord is speaking to. He is willing to save you. Does godly sorrow which worketh repentance has expression in you right away? Are you also saying, “I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all; But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”  Then, if you would call Him for help from the sincerity of your heart, He will help and save you too; for He said, “…whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered…” WHOSOEVER, including you!


1. Father, thank you for revelation and showing me the Path to follow. I give you all the glory Oh Lord – Eph. 1:17.

2. Oh Lord, for your name sake, let me not kick against your precepts, commandments and love after you have fed me with good things of earth beneath and heaven above in the name of Jesus Christ – 1Sam. 2:29; Deut. 32:15.

3. Father, have mercy on me for separating myself from you after I have received blessings from you. Purge me and sanctify me. Make me fit for your continuous work in the name of Jesus. Let the life of Christ dwell in me forever on the name of Jesus – 1Kgs. 11:1; Neh. 13:26; 1Tim. 2:21.

4. O Lord, deliver me from presumption sins and faults in the name of Jesus. Father, rebuke the spirit of pride at work in my life and please keep me humble forever in the name of Jesus – Ps. 19;13; Rom. 6:12.

5. Father, give me grace and enable me follow you daily and to deny self in the name of Jesus – Luke 9:23-24.

6. Oh Lord, remove, uproot and destroy every of seed of pride me that would serve as a trigger to my fall and destruction in the name of Jesus – Mat. 15:13; 1Cor. 3:12-15.

7. My Father(3x), cancel every evil prophecy or all prophecies of doom by the blood of Jesus which had been said concerning me for centuries of years ago – Is. 34:6; Jer. 31:31-34.

8. Oh Lord my God (3x), do not let your work and investment me in my life waste. Help me to always acknowledge you in all my ways in the name of Jesus Christ – Pro. 3:6; Col. 1:9-10.

9. Father, reveal and show your way, glory and greatness to me and to all that are in darkness in the name of Jesus – Deut. 5:24; Mat. 4:16.

10. Spirit of the Living God, guide, instruct and direct me to the end. Oh Lord, put in me the willingness to yield to all your commandments and purpose for my life. Let me not be carried away by wealth, riches, poverty, persecution, position, power, tribulation, fame etc. in the name of Jesus – 1John 5:3; Jer. 31:33-34.

Oh Beloved, hear the voice of the Bride and the Spirit saying, come! Do not tarry. Hurry and make haste. A delay is not good for you at all. Father, to some extent, we have grown wings of pride and made for ourselves crowns of self-sufficiency because of what we have received from you. Should what you have given us to love you more become the very issue that would lead us away from you? God forbid! Father, your intention for giving us these gifts, power, fame, wealth is to preach you to the world so that they would see the good works and glorify you. Ah! Daddy, this is our wrong, we have taken the honour both due for the work and your glory. Father, have mercy and help us to always acknowledge you. Dear Lord, unto you we have come for help and grace in this period, may we forever abide, dwell in and always depending on you in the name of Jesus. Lord return all the glory to you!



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