“For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly – Deuteronomy 7:4.”

The first part of this topic focused on the ways and reasons idolatry appeals to man’s interest and desire. It didn’t necessarily mention or show the woes of idolatry. But beginning with this and for the next two days, we shall consider some of the woes or dangers of idolatry. I don’t want to water it down by using dangers. Let us stick to the woes to know and show how serious this is. Yes, it is that serious.

The text used yesterday in the book of Psalms 16:4 states that –

“Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.”
Mind the multiplicity of the word “sorrow.” It is in plural form, meaning, they are more than one. Like legion, they are many. Since we have them multiplied, it means we cannot mention all the woes attached to idolatry. But just before we begin to mention them, what is idolatry?

Idolatry, in short, is serving, having, honouring or following other god apart from the Living, the Only True God – Jn. 17:3. Idolatry is when we fail to use our all for God. Anything short of using our all for God is idolatry. Listen to what God said – “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might – Deut. 6:5.” Let the emphasis be on the “all.” It is a solemn and a fearful truth to assert. Though difficult to acknowledge but it is the truth. What is it? How many of us are really using “our all” for God? At any point in time that we are caught not using our all for Him, be it all our might, strength, heart, soul, body, by and large, it means other things or persons are taking the remaining. God is a Jealous God. He does not love sharing. Those things and persons can be said to be the other gods. Have you ever come across text like –

“And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart – 2Chr. 25:2.”
If this is to be taken for a standard, then who can be saved? Who among us can confess that he has been serving, honouring, following the Lord with all His might, strength, soul, mind and heart?

Nevertheless, idolatry can simply be said to be giving what belongs to God to another thing, person or creature. It can be honouring the creature more than the Creator. Examine yourself whether this is your case. Whether it be your work like the rich fool – “This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods – Lk. 12:18” or like Eli honouring your children more than God – “…and honourest thy sons above me… - 1Sam. 2:29.” At a point in the life of the man whom we know and refer to as the “father of faith”, the Lord had to save him from Idolatry. There was a time in Abraham’s life that he loved God but as time passed on, there was a divergence. The love drifted from God to Isaac. Watch, isn’t that idolatry? Or why would God ask him to sacrifice that son making emphasis on “thy only son whom thou lovest”

“And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest… - Gen. 22:2.”
I perceive that was idolatry.

There are men who love gold more than God. Remember the young man who wanted to follow Jesus to have eternal life unto whom the Saviour said go sell all you have and give to the poor. Do you remember him? What was his reaction? He went away angrily. Beware of the modern-day idolatry. It is no necessarily in the forms of iron, wood, stones and precious stones. Idolatry of this era, age and dispensation isn’t always in form of objects as such.

You must have heard and read about that wise king called Solomon. While people pray for the wisdom of Solomon, I am not sure if they are praying to have the same number of women as wives and concubines. Mind your prayers too. Idolatry comes in various forms, shapes, shades, sizes and levels. There was a time in the life of the wise king when it was said of him that – “And Solomon loved the LORD… - 1Kgs. 3:3.” You see that? However, twenty years later the narrative changed. What did it change into? – “But king Solomon loved many strange women… - 1Kgs. 11:1.” What a fearful, solemn and dangerous “BUT” that was for him! What did you sense here in the difference from loving God to loving strange women? Isn’t that idolatry? What is your own idolatry? Don’t be fast to blame those whom we have cited for examples here. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your idolatrous acts to you. Pray for His help as your turn to the Lord Jesus for conquering and overcoming grace to be wholly and solely devoted to the King of kings.


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