“And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword – Proverbs 30:9.”
The Jacobs must have their times of drought consumption
during the day, the biting frost at night and sleep departing from them. The
Josephs must have their lots when thrown in the dry well, sold into slavery and
cast into the prison. The Daniels must have their denials and dens. Others
among the saints and elects of God must experience and taste the cruelty of
this world.
Yea, the Jacobs must come forth victorious in all these.
They must get to bethel to meet with God again else they aren’t Jacobs. The
Josephs must overcome the temptations and then ascend the throne if not so,
they aren’t Josephs. As for the Daniels, they must not be caught unawares. When
tried, the lions’ mouth must be stopped and they must come forth pure,
unblameable and without fault.
All God’s children shall have their times of trials. It is
not to say the Father is wicked. Never! He is not wicked, mean or
inconsiderate. He is ever faithful, holy, righteous and forever just. As Christ
Jesus, we all must learn obedience through and by those things we had suffered,
should or/and would suffer.
The period of “Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani”, though different
in levels, degrees from person to person yet it is unavoidable. It is the path
made for every son of the kingdom to walk upon except for the bastards who
would choose the other way.
The righteous Noah must have his flood but it would not
overflow him. The perfect man, Job, upright though, he must be baptized in the
way of the sons of God. His trials and afflictions must be weighed and
The Gideons must have their fearful moments and the Peters
their sinking times. Ah, how fearful and terrible it is for the Pauls when the
stones, shipwreck, perils of waters, of robbers, by countrymen, wilderness and
false brethren should come – 2Cor. 11:25-26. But already promised him that His
grace would be sufficient. So, we speak to the Pauls, come on, you are over the
circumstances. You will come through and overcome
Fret not O Christians when all these are meted unto you. Let not your heart be overwhelmed with grief and heaviness. Do not let your soul be cast down. Be courageous and be strengthened by the Spirit of God and the power within. Take your solace and comfort in this word of Christ Jesus –
“…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world – Jn. 16:33.”He overcame, you will overcome.
If thou be His indeed, He who led Paul through to say
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith – 2Tim. 4:7”will lead and guide you through. The Lord of hosts who vindicated Job at last is ever ready and powerful to plead your cause also. The Great, Mighty and Terrible God with Gideon shall come to your rescue and deliverance.
The place of Gethsemane is still very much available and important for as many that are called to bear the cross. Anyone who boycotts or avoids it shall be found unfit and unworthy to bear and endure the cross. Therefore, hearken to the counsel of the Spirit of God this moment saying –
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations – James 1:2.”For Christ’s sake and righteousness’ sake, there is cross to be endured, the jeering of the unbelievers to overlook, unmoved by the mockery of the worldlings, the temptations of the devil to overcome.
Now, let us have a word or two with the reprobates and
impenitent. O man, if thou shall come to die with all these your miseries, be
it known unto you that they are not for righteousness cause. What terrible end
shall be yours when on earth you have reproach, shame and disgrace and then in
yonder place thou art cast into the place of torment! What a fearful lot that
would be for you. Oh, that you come to the Lord Jesus Christ today and your
condemnation be turned into justification and your damnation to salvation.
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