“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed – Mark 1:35.”
The scripture admonishes us about the necessity of doing
things early. This is exemplified in the usage of times and seasons as God had
ordained them for us. When God created times and seasons, there must be reason
for doing so. In fact, the works of God were confined within the scope of time.
This is not to say He is limited by it, rather it is to make us understand that
everyday is ordained by God for a purpose.
Learning from the account of creation, we ought to think and perceive God to be the One who loved doing things early. If we can conceive it so, we can establish it thus that He started His work early. As a matter of truth, the first verse in the scripture tells us about how seriously God takes His duties –
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth – Gen. 1:1.”Well, without speaking much of God on this matter because there is no searching out of His understanding and works, let us proceed to ours.
There are duties expected of us to do. Christ Jesus came
into the world to teach and pattern our lives according to the will of God. So,
we can begin to lead such life as intended for us by God by following the
footsteps of the Saviour.
From our text today, we see the Lord Jesus taking the matter
of prayers as an early duty. O Christians, what art thou if you aren’t praying
early? To whom shall be liken you if thou be among those who are licentious and
prayerless. It could even be that you pray but you aren’t doing it early. There
is time for everything, they say. It is true that we are admonished to pray
without ceasing which also implies praying always. But our Lord did His early
in the morning, It is just good and acceptable if we do the same.
The next is seeking the Lord. As much as we have looked into time as day, we should also consider it as a period. Early can be said to be the period of time (in age and spirit) ranging from childhood or youthhood. Young man, it is part of your early duties to seek the Lord while and when He may be found. Oh damsel, hearken to the word of the Lord saying –
“…they that seek me early shall find Me – Pro. 8:17.”Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not but seek God. This is the major early duty to perform. Don’t wait till you are old before seeking the face of the Lord. Anyway, what assurance do you have for the next minute or hour of your life? If you do not turn unto the Saviour now for your redemption and deliverance, how can you tell whether you will live till you are old.
Obedience is another duty to be carried out very timely. When we seek God early, it is just as true as possible that He will speak to us. He will reveal deep and secrete things to us. He will instruct and direct us. It is our duty to obey Him. And this obedience must be early. Abraham when going to the place of sacrifice of Isaac got up early. Jesus, when He came to save us, was not late. He came in due time –
“…For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly – Rom. 5:6.”The day the wall of Jericho would fall, Joshua and the people of Israel rose up early. During the time of the judges, must if not all the deliverances God gave them, they were early to do all God commanded them.
Seekest thou deliverance and freedom from all sorts of
afflictions and bondages? Seek God and His might early. It is not too late now
for you to put on the whole armour of God. Oh, we speak to those who aren’t in
the family of God, whose life is covered with dregs of sin and gall of
bitterness. It is true that you have wasted your strength on that which profit
nothing. Before death comes and you are turned into hell, into that eternal
damnation awaiting the reprobate, seek God now. Repent now! Believe in Christ
Jesus now! If you hear His voice today, harden not your heart.
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