“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth - 2Timothy 2:15.”


There are duties expected of man from God to be approved. Before any man would be approved of God, the basic bed rock is faith – faith in Christ Jesus. This is because “without faith it is impossible to please God… - Heb. 11:6.” However, there are works of faith, one of which we shall be examining today.


Among various works of faith, studying is important. It is not just to study but the studying of the word of God. we know that God faith comes by hearing. But hearing what? The Word of God. one way to contact, connect and relate with the word of God is by reading and studying that which He has written unto us in His book.


One of the reasons of disapproval of many people is because they are not given to diligent study. Most students fail their exams not because they aren’t in class when the lecture was on. They didn’t fail because the lecturer or teacher, as the case may be, was dull, strict, disciplined or wicked (whatever name they choose to call him). To venture taking a bold step to declare this – most of the students did not fail because the academic curriculum or syllabus was outdated and obsolete. Majority who failed is due to lack of studying.


By example, if the case of a student be so in earthly matter, to what degree shall that of the disciples of Christ Jesus be? Joshua was commanded by God to study and meditate upon the word of God and thereby he had good success. Many of us are desiring to have the good success of Joshua without the meditation. How wrong we have become!


According to the grace of God bestowed upon Him, Christ Jesus while He was earthly present must have been a man given to studying the word of God. Why so? This is because when people came to Him for questioning, some of His responses to them had this label – “Have ye not read?” This typical question which the Lord asked showed that He gave Himself diligently to the studying of the word of God.


When temptations came, He drew out of the abundance of the Word which is in Him as it is written – “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. – Col. 3:16.” This is not to flatter you sir, many of our temptations could have been handled if we had given ourselves to the word of God. This was the mantra of the apostles –

“…we will give ourselves continually to praying and to the ministry of the word – Acts. 6:4.”


Every man who is given to the word of God will be approved of God. the voice of God that came unto the Lord Jesus Christ saying “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” is still very much audible, available and willing to come unto every man whose heart and mind is inclined, fixed and trusting on His word.


To be rejected of God is very simple. Do you desire and ready to know what it means to be rejected by the Living God? Reject His word. Count His word as a light thing or you lightly esteem the word. Oh, I pray none of the readers will be rejected by God. Nevertheless, we beseech you by the mercies of God that the Word of God becomes the object of your focus and attention. The benefits are innumerable but the rejection of His word comes with grievous and unbearable retribution. Repent now! Accept His word.



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