Without any palpitation or doubt this is state of choice if not confusion. Before such question is asked, various vices might have been implored. We can see for ourselves that in nations of the world, answers must be provided to this question. We hear of insecurity, famine, war, earthquakes and other unpleasant natural phenomenon.
People are confused. Leaders are indecisive. Citizens are throwing tantrums. Environment seems to be against development. It's as if government is not working. The sectors involved in education, finance, agriculture, housing, power and other don't even know what to do. I don't mean in any way that the people there are not competent. And if they are not, it's up to us all. But why I look deeply to observe this, it's clear that, they've done what they could but it's not working... And no one is perturbed or moved to ask WHAT SHALL WE DO?
In times like this, we must come to the understanding of going to the right source for answers to present situation. Many had to come to Jesus for their answers. Worthy of note is the man we all called THE YOUNG RICH FOOL? Why? Maybe, he was void of understanding. He asked, ...Good Master, WHAT GOOD THING SHALL I DO, that I may have eternal life? - Matthew:19:16. Instead for us to ask, we decided to keep mute and assume what the answer could be.
The Apostles were moved by the inspiration of God to give a HEART-RENDING message of which the people's response was, ...AND SAID... MEN AND BRETHREN, WHAT SHALL WE DO? Acts:2:37.
Until we know what to do, nothing would be done. I don't have answer to those questions bugging your heart. All I can try to do is to give guidelines or steps. But there is ONE who has answers and solutions to all challenges and situations.
If as a nation, we would seek God first, things might change. As a family, if only we could desire Him above all precious stones, properties, possessions and rubies, we would experience a great turnaround positively. As institutions, there could be a great change if we constitute the things supernatural. And as the world at Large, if we all would dare to allow God take over... He couldn't have trusted any but Him for a good end and proper governance.
In conclusion, should in case we won't go for God and we chase after other things that seem to be relevant at the moment but filled with vain hopes at last, a gloomy atmosphere lingers.
What to do when you know not what to do, as an author stated, GO FOR GOD. DO HIS WILL. He will bear your weariness. I promise you. LET US ALL REPENT NOW. Repent Today!
What to do Greetings to you
Have a week of Directed Path Ahead in Jesus' Name.
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