THE ULTIMATE RANSOM - The Blood [III] The Concluding Part. Living Souls, praise the Lord. The King of kings and Lord of lords. Yahweh is His name. The I AM. The One who was, who is and who is to come. Our present help always. The Merciful Judge and Gracious Father. Today is the end of the month, last day of the month... Thousands have fallen by our side and ten thousand by our right...yet He keeps us standing. Not that we are righteous than they that fell but it's of the Lord's mercies. We are grateful, Father! FOR THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, WHICH IS SHED FOR MANY FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS - Matthew 26:28. As we have been seeing into this matter of blood. We need to conclude it here. There is a blood that is capable to take away sin...not of animals or beasts. It's so saddening that government tried so much to take away sin but the much they do about nothing. Different means and methods have been carved out of the blues to get things done on the right order all ...