
Showing posts from July, 2020


THE ULTIMATE RANSOM - The Blood [III] The Concluding Part. Living Souls, praise the Lord. The King of kings and Lord of lords. Yahweh is His name. The I AM. The One who was, who is and who is to come. Our present help always. The Merciful Judge and Gracious Father. Today is the end of the month, last day of the month... Thousands have fallen by our side and ten thousand by our right...yet He keeps us standing. Not that we are righteous than they that fell but it's of the Lord's mercies. We are grateful, Father! FOR THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, WHICH IS SHED FOR MANY FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS - Matthew 26:28. As we have been seeing into this matter of blood. We need to conclude it here. There is a blood that is capable to take away sin...not of animals or beasts. It's so saddening that government tried so much to take away sin but the much they do about nothing. Different means and methods have been carved out of the blues to get things done on the right order all ...


THE ULTIMATE RANSOM – The Blood [II] Thanks be to God for such indescribable dimension of graciousness He bestows on us daily without blinking an eye. God so trusts us with the life He gives that we undoubtedly should reciprocate His love in our daily activities. Thanksgiving is what we need to do to, failure to understand this is the beginning of uproar and uprising in the facets of life. Many people do think that saying this or making this makes no sense at all and also that it makes us to be fanatics or too religion. Well, whatever the case may be, if giving thanks to God without fail has become sheer religiosity or being too religious, no problem, we are ready for that. We accept that accusation as a compliment. We need not be forced to worship and show forth the majestic praise of our Maker from whom we have all that pertains to life and godliness according to the knowledge of Him that has called us unto glory and virtue. Praise the Lord at all times. WHO HATH BELIEVED OUR REPORT?...


THE ULTIMATE RANSOM – The Blood [I] Our praise to God should be unconditional likewise our adoration of Him. In the same measure should our thanksgiving and worship to Him be poured out lavishly and majestically. God alone is worthy to receive honour and glory. It is shameful and out of absolute disrespect if we fail to do what He expects from us. It is emphatically written and categorically stated in His word that, “…for they that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” And you know what? No one, nobody had ever wanted to be dishonoured? Or do you want that? This statement is not meant to be taken on the surface alone without thinking about the effect it has or places on our whole being and personality. Therefore, we are all implored and encouraged to give what belongs to God to Him, and this we need to do always – in Spirit and in Truth. Hallelujah!!! FOR THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD: AND I HAVE GIVEN IT TO YOU UPON THE ALTAR TO MAKE AN ...


ALL NEEDS MET It's something to think about when considering needs and wants. In most cases, we are often lost in thought and carried far away. Nevertheless, we thank God for those needs we no longer have as Prayer points. This is majorly because some of our challenges years past rendered to God as Prayer points have been solved without recurrent surfacing or repetition. Let's thank God for all He's done...failure to do so means we are proud! AND SHE CALLED THE NAME OF THE LORD THAT SPAKE UNTO HER, THOU GOD SEEST ME: FOR SHE SAID, HAVE I ALSO HERE LOOKED AFTER HIM THAT SEETH ME? - Genesis 16:13 Hmm! We have a lot to do. Bills to pay. Many things are going on in our head; school fees, house rent, feeding, business, marriage, career, health insurance, money in the bank etc. In life situation happens that lives the heart shattered, the soul, troubled and the body weakened. In one of these periods was a woman found,it sent away from her Mistress partly because not pride and in ...


REMEMBER! Glory is not something that can be covered. It is one of the phenomenon of God, His attribute that is beyond description. To every man God has also given measure of glory in that when we were created, He made us, we we're created in His like and after His image. What a splendour! Talking about how great our God is, is good but showing forth His greatness and our gratefulness all the same is better and of higher magnitude of thankfulness. We aren't to belittle what God is doing for us. Are you thinking what it is that He has done? He is doing wonderful things today! HAST THOU NOT KNOWN? HAST THOU NOT HEARD, THAT THE EVERLASTING GOD, THE LORD, THE CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, FAINTETH NOT, NEITHER IS WEARY? THERE IS NO SEARCHING OF HIS UNDERSTANDING - Isaiah 40:28. It is not uncommon with people to begin to find among sons of men that many of them don't believe that there is a Sovereign God. Some are of the opinion that God is no longer in control. Others are n...


LIFE ETERNAL From every fear and in all joy, God remains the same and not just that but always faithful. In every trial and in victories, there is no form of variableness with Him. He loves us. He loves all. Of a truth, He loves us to the end. How many of us know how far the end is, yet He loves us to that point. As far as the east is to the west, in like manner and the same dimension, He has taken away our iniquities. What do we have to show for this? Shouldn't it be glaring in all that we do that we are indeed grateful? For peace and good health, provision and strength. Willingness to do the Will of God in perfect obedience is not an ordinary virtue, yet He gives to us His Spirit that we always carry out the real purpose we have been created for. Hallelujah!!! AND MANY OF THEM THAT SLEEP IN THE DUST OF THE EARTH SHALL AWAKE, SOME TO EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SOME TO SHAME AND EVERLASTING CONTEMPT - Daniel 12:2. In case we have forgotten that there is such a thing called "EVERLAS...


CARES OF THE WORLD There are so many things in life which we want and other things fall into the category of needs. Whichever way they fall, one thing is clear and one lesson must be learnt that not all are needed or good to be desires or to have in possession. In all things, we need to know that all which we would ever wanted is provided in God and by Him all things consist. How much we realise this, determines a great deal of appreciation towards Him and how well we know this Truth goes a long way to affect our behaviour. If you don’t know, let us be reminded again that, our beliefs affect our behaviours. The way we react or take God in all we are engaged in/with has a lot to do with our believing Him. The way we believe God to be, affects all aspects of life such as thanking Him, praising, praying, gratitude and others. We ought to let our light so shine before men when they see our good works that they glorify our Father in heaven in return. DID NOT ACHAN THE SON OF ZERAH COMMIT A ...


DECEITFULNESS OF RICHES – I Thank God for He alone is rich in mercy. He is so full of it – The Merciful! Hallelujah! It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. I hope you know this. “…He hath done all things well…” this was the testimony of the people when they saw the mighty works, miracles and signs wrought by Jesus, the Messiah. Our testimonies too should not be different from theirs in that, to us, “He hath made everything beautiful in His time…” Isn’t it, people of God? To everyone of us, God has proved Himself countless number of times that, His mercy endures forever and His Truth from everlasting to everlasting. Giving glory to God the Father is to be our lifestyle, our food, our breath, our purpose. In God we boast all the day long, and praise His name for ever. He saves and delivers us from our enemies and put them to shame that hated us. This was not achieved by our strength, neither by our might but the right hand of God and His truth delivers us always. We ought ...


DECEITFULNESS OF RICHES – II Now thank we our God, is the song popularly called in Latin as “The Magnificant.” We, like Mary should now be saying, “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” The circumstances are not favourable. The times are evil. Situation does not warrant us to say this. The challenges around are enormous and they abound. Economy and business are not thriving, likewise the environmental factors are not helping matters. What should our disposition be in these? “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls; Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Till we come to this point, phase, stage every other externality would continue to determine whether or not should we praise God. In all things, God remains our only sustenance and with Him we shall surely walk, run on o...


DECEITFULNESS OF RICHES – III (The Concluding Part) Well, we cannot do without thanking God all times for things which are seen were made from things unseen. Rightly was it said that, “…for the just shall live by faith” By faith in God through Christ Jesus. The wonders of God to us are numerous and more than could be numbered. In the dreams of the night and by visions of the day, God protects us daily. Without fail the Scripture gives the basis for this, for God justifies the ungodly. “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on HIM that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness – Romans 4:5.” Are we to question Him? Well, let us leave that for God to settle. God justifies us daily before the accuser of the brethren. Isn’t that enough to give Him praise all the time and all day long? Can somebody say Hallelujah to that… Just went you and I thought all is done with concerning this topic, this last session on it must have to be written for better emphasis and atten...


THE EXPECTATION Again, it is a good moment and time to show our appreciation to God in the light of His word. Today is a new day which none of us has seen before – a brand new day. Therefore, we need to live it by pleasing Him in and out of it. With our whole heart God must be glorified because He deserves all honour and glory. The Name of the Lord is great among the heathen and not just them alone, the Lord God in our midst is mighty also. The way of God is shown and revealed to us from heaven through His Son Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world that all men might be saved. Salvation is a wonderful experience and much more wonderful when we wait and continue in it. The expectation of God for us is sure to give us an expected end. Nothing and nobody can measure up to the standard desired for us by God. No one! God is gracious and merciful. Adore Him! AND THEY SHALL BE AFRAID AND ASHAMED OF ETHIOPIA THEIR EXPECTATION, AND OF EGYPT THEIR GLORY – Isaiah 20:5. I think we must give attent...


THE EXCHANGE – Part III Glory to God both now and forever more. Let the living praise the Lord for He is good and His mercies are from generation to generation. We stand no chance of living or seeing the next second whenever we begin to be full of ourselves before God even a dead dog could be observed to be better than us in this condition – “…for a living dog is better than a dead lion.” Therefore, pride is a killer. Let us get off pride. Humility goes before honour but pride goes before a fall. And moreover, God exalts the humble. Which would you prefer, honour or fall? Each time we thank God we are just saying in a sense that, “Father we are still depending on you and we will continue as long as you will keep on helping us…” Glory to God! AND THINE EYE SHALL NOT PITY; BUT LIFE SHALL GO FOR LIFE, EYE FOR EYE, TOOTH FOR TOOTH, HAND FOR HAND, FOOT FOR FOOT – Deuteronomy 19:21 Brother, many women come to you saying, “Sir, we don’t mind you.” And you too women, many men do come to you, a...


THE EXCHANGE – Part II Brethren, the month is coming to an end. We should not be ignorant of this truth that, “except the Lord builds the city, the labourers work in vain.” Yes, you have intentions and obsessions… what matters to you goes a long way to determine our worth and value. Oh, how I wish above all things that God becomes our all in all indeed not just by words or tactics but in Spirit and in Truth. The Name of the Lord is great among the heathen, likewise in our midst, His name is mighty. Hallelujah!!! Let us praise God for His name sake. Somehow this is not how you have planned this year neither did anyone else planned it this way. But somehow, we have this rear privilege to always be among those that should make the name of God known among the people of the earth. Shouldn’t we? FOR OF THIS SORT ARE THEY WHICH CREEP INTO HOUSES, AND LEAD CAPTIVE SILLY WOMEN LADEN WITH SINS, LED AWAY WITH DIVERS LUSTS - II Timothy 3:6 And you, in your quest in making and getting money, you wa...


THE EXCHANGE You see, no perfect gift comes from the devil. The devil has no free gifts either. That is why we must be grateful to God because He alone gives to us all things freely to enjoy, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” We should not let our case be like those people, who after they have lost something precious that’s when the know the value. No, it shouldn’t be so with us. Let us know the worth and value of what God is doing for us because with the devil nothing goes for nothing is the slang, something gores for something is the motto. Grateful hearts! FOR WHAT IS A MAN PROFITED, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? OR WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL – Matthew 16:26 The method with which this is written might be slightly different from the usual but for the sole purpose of knowing that there is no free gift with the devil, w...