Hallelujah! God be praised and adored both now and forever. In all things, not one or two; not even millions or thousands but in all; we are to give thanks for this is the will of God for us in Christ. Few people can boldly say they know the magnitude and depth of this responsibility and duty expected from and of man. I have often come short of this, so are you. In some cases, we find it so hard and difficult to gather strength and courage to praise and thank God due to one reason or the other. Nevertheless, we thank God for sending us His Spirit in those moments to fetch us out of the well of sorrow, dungeon of perplexity and from the pity of bitterness. He then lifts us up and make us walk upon our high places. Hallelujah! This day, we need to lift up our voices to adore the name of God to pledge our allegiance to Him that by His grace, mercy and help nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Praise ye the Lord!


Today, we are making a call unto both the godly and the ungodly, to the unrepentant sinner and the righteous, the saved and the unsaved, to the wicked and the goodly, wise and fools – make haste!

First, to the believer: It is not a time to tarry or wait but a time and period of making haste. Haste, for what? To keep God’s commandment and not to delay. You have heard of them of old saying, “for thousands of years your Lord has not returned. So, why stress yourself to doing what is not. That is a flimsy hope and baseless expectation. Forget His laws and commandments.” Some might have asked you, “you have been following this your Jesus for years, what do you have to show or what’s your gain.” Well said they. Do not fret because the disciples asked the same question and Jesus gave them an assuring answer and in your case it will prove no less but to add to the reassurance of hope, “And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”

Oh my brother, you’ve heard this times and again without gainsaying. Let not their words shake your faith. Do not think it twice neither allow it to take root in thy heart. Cut off its branches thereof and remove the roots totally. The very reason you need to make haste to keep His commandment is because He has tarried long and without doubt He will come sooner than expected. You’ve gone too far to give in to doubt and unbelief. Forget what the scorners are calling you. Indeed, you’ve been made a spectacle to the angels, men and the world. Make haste still, you never can tell how close you are to the finish line that you make be able to say with Paul that, “…I have finished my course/race…”

We speak to the discouraged believer and to those who think it does worth it and are considering turning back. Ah! Are you saying following Christ does not worth it, brother? Is your thought giving this suggestion that, to follow Christ is loss? Hey! That’s not a good one at all. You need not to be told before you realise the dreg in its wine. What worth more than to live and die for Christ? He said, “greater love hath no man than this that a man should die for his friends.” No greater love! Would Christ die for you and you refrain yourself for dying for Him? If you don’t live and die for Him, then you have betrayed Him – definitely worse than an infidel. We beseech you to make haste in coming to God lest like satan beguile the woman you are enticed and deceived as well. You won’t have any excuse when the time shall come for you to receive the recompense of what you have done. Would you say to the Righteous Judge of all like Eve said that, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” Or “The people around me discouraged me.” You have no excuse. The man, Lot, had more reasons to be discouraged than you because he lived in the land of whoredom and filthiness in soul and body. Yet he made haste out of the land. Likewise, we beseech you to make haste away from the land of pollution to God your Maker to day.

Now, as we conclude, let us write to the unrepentant sinners. It is another moment of grace and mercy for you. Come, and make haste unto God to do His will, commandment and statutes. Make haste like the writer of Ecclesiastes said that, “remember the Lord your Creator now…” Make haste now! We plead with your soul to please come to God lest He smites you with dreadful plague. My brother, if you will not come to God without it, he will send you a sick-bed that you may be carried on it to Him. If you will not come running, He will make you come limping. If you will not come while your eyes are bright and while your countenance is full of health, He will make you come when your eyes are dull and heavy, and your complexion is sallow and sad. But come you must; and if by no other means, sickness shall be the black chariot in which you shall ride. You know how important and special salvation is to you. You are in dire need of the Saviour. Would you not run and make haste to Him? Blind Bartimaeus made haste. The woman with the issue of blood did likewise. Don’t be an exemption. Even Naaman the Syrian left his country as far as it was in those days to Israel for healing. Cornelius in Italy sent for Peter in Joppa for answers to his prayers. Make haste for your salvation. Location or your state of health is not a barrier or an excuse. If you desire a blissful home and eternal rest of the righteous at last, there is need for you to come and come you must in Haste unto the Lord Jesus. Make haste in believe.

Hastening Weekend!


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