Here we stand in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! Beloved, let us rejoice and sing a joyful song unto our Maker who was, who is and is to come from everlasting to everlasting, The Almighty. The world behind us the Lord before us, we follow, we maintain our gaze by the help of the Most High God through His Spirit in us. We won’t look back neither are we going to deny Him. Many are the works of God unto us. They are more than we can number. The Lord loves and preserves us from all evil and pestilence. We are alive today because His mercies kept us. Indeed, we are grateful to God for all He is doing for us. Sometimes, when the answers to our prayer seem to be tarrying too long to stir up or cause doubt in us. During this period, the Spirit of the Lord comes to us to keep our company telling us the unfathomable dimension and power of God in doing all things bringing all His acts and deeds from previous years till date to our remembrance. It is in this we are made strong and resilient. Father, thank you for your Spirit being our Comforter, Guide, Friend, Helper and Teacher.

Should in case our prosperity has led us to a state of forgetting God and our living in plenteousness has made us grow proud to an extent of thinking we are “self-sufficient”, it is time to acknowledge our numerous wrongs and this as well. Lord is our Shepherd indeed and now we lack nothing. Could it be that our case as we speak of fatness is like that which Jeremiah portrayed that, “They were as fed horses in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbour's wife”? It is time to pray for God’s mercy to restore and help us henceforth o the end…


1. Father, thank you for feeding us with all spiritual and physical blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus to make us fat and wonderfully made and for the divine turnaround we are experiencing day to day. Thank you, Lord – Eph. 1:3.

2. Oh Lord, Thy Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. One of the reasons you have made and saved us is to reign together with you in your Kingdom. We pray for grace to be with you till the end in the name of Jesus Christ – Rev. 2:7; 3:21.

3. My Father(3x), I confess by sins of pride and disobedience. Forgive me and renew your right Spirit within me Oh Lord. Like the writer of Proverbs said, “lest I be full and I say, who is God?” I have often found myself in this case, Oh Lord, help me forgive me and purge me in the name of Jesus – Pro. 31:7-9; Ps. 51:10.

4. Oh Lord, give me grace to remain humble and not to go proud even as you increase and enlarge me for good in the name of Jesus Christ – James 4:6.

5. Father, I receive grace and help not to honour, exalt, reference, love or fear anything or anyone above you in the name of Jesus Christ – 1Sam. 2:29.

6. Oh Lord, register this in our heart, inscribe upon our soul with your indelible pen and inerasable ink so that we will always acknowledge and know you as the “Giver of wealth” in the name of Jesus – Hos. 2:8; Deut. 8:18.

7. Father, do not give me anything or endow me with any blessing, honour, position, riches, poverty, people etc. that will take me far away from you in the name of Jesus – Pro. 31:7-9; Is. 1:2.

8. Oh Lord my Maker, do not let my belly be my God in the name of Jesus – Php. 3:19.

9. Father, I submit myself and all mine to you, therefore, I resist anything or power that are fighting to make me weak towards your precepts and rebellious to you in the name of Jesus – James. 4:7.

10. Oh Lord, daily as I live, by your help and comfort may I always say, “what shall spate me from the love of Christ?” Therefore, my Father, may nothing/no man put asunder between us in the name of Jesus – Rom. 8:35.

Holy Father, how can we be holy except you make us to be? The world is full of pollution within and without. That’s not an excuse though because many of your people whom you called passed through it blameless and without rebuke only by you helping them. We tried but our best was not just enough. We have come to realise that, our hearts are prone to deception and can easily go haughty at any time when rest, comfort and prosperity are following us intimately. Sometimes, when we experience little bliss it almost swept us off our feet. Oh Lord, we come to you, help us to be steadfast to the end and to wait on you no matter what in the name of Jesus. We pray you hold us and handle us with an everlasting grip that we won’t fall in the name of Jesus. Resist and rebuke pride in our hearts, Oh Lord, and help us to always seek and to know you more in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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