“Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap – Psalms 69:22.”

Food has been the major medium and means of making many a mighty man to fall. Spiritually speaking, even when it comes to how principalities, powers and rulers of darkness operate, some of their activities are often carried out through prepared table (food). Some people’s origin of ailment and diseases is traceable to a form of concoction or delicacy prepared for them either physically or spiritually (through dreams). And as long as they believe in this, it comes to pass in their life.

Have you been told that there are cases where glories and destinies are exchanged and changed at the table of food prepared? If you haven’t come by any, take the incidence between Esau and Jacob for example. Consider the ways of the wicked and see how many people food has been used to cage or set as a trap.

Let every Naboth take heed to see to the welfare of their life and soul in taking proper examination of the table prepared before them. To him, it was kingly recognition and promotion that ensnared him. That was the table prepared for him by king Ahab and his cohorts. The same is applicable to some people as we speak, the table of fame and popularity is leadin them into destruction

O man of God, consider well what is set before you on this form of table because so many “fire-ful” and powerful men and women of valour had already lost their dignity when sitting to eat at the table prepared for them. The delicacies and dainties prepared on this table vary from time to time, person to person and place to place. As for David, a table of lust, adultery and murder was set for him. Except the mercy of the found caught up with him, his generation would have been destroyed.

We still have tables prepared for men like Daniel and his colleagues which must be rejected by the Spirit of God in the life of those who aspire and desire to be ten times better in whose life the Spirit of Excellence dwells.

O ye men of Zion, sound the alarm. Ye daughters in the holy hill of the Lord, sing it as a song. Sing what? It was milk that caused Sisera to sleep deeply which led to his death. The table of Delilah is still very much available to all Samsons that will not take heed of the warning and commandment of the Lord. I beseech you O men, beware of the table that is set before you. The table the wicked prepares does not contain life. It is full of snares and arrows of death. Why eat to death when THE BREAD OF LIFE (JESUS CHRIST) is available and calling you to come? Young men, full of adulterous eyes and insatiable lust, better plead the Lord of host to rid you of this because there is a table full of snares set for you. This table is made for you to fall as it is written –

“And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her – Ecc. 7:26.”

There is a warning for all wicked men. Listen to this O ye sinners and reprobate at heart. If you do not desist from these wicked ways, the Lord will come with a vengeance. He will prepare a table of judgement for you. While His servants shall live in plenty and prosperity, yours shall be of woes and damnation unless you repent today by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. For those who are obstinate and always rejecting the Gospel of Christ Jesus, the Lord shall come with power and Spirit of Judgement. He shall make you drink out of the cup of His fury. Suddenly, it shall be that all that the wicked soul gathered through ages shall turn to the wind. It shall become a snare unto them. O, it is a terrible thing to the wicked when God prepares the table of judgment for him. Who shall deliver or save Him from the hands of this great, mighty and terrible God? Lest your welfare becomes a trap, hearken to the word of the Lord today and let Him be your Shepherd, then you shall have a table of protection and provision rather than judgement.


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