“And His disciples came to Him, and awoke Him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish – Matthew 8:25.”


There is a passage in the scriptures where a certain nation cunningly brought themselves to become slaves or servants under Israel. The next question in one’s heart would me, why would anyone do such? The answer is simple, they were afraid of the punishment and judgement awaiting all those who are against God -

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God - Ps. 9:17."
Also, they marvelled at the wonderful acts of God which He had done with and in His people, Israel. So, the people of Gibeon came by subtilty to submit. The next question is, what happened after that? When the enemies of the Gibeonites came, that is the Amorites, they called upon Joshua to come save them. The truth is that, God saved the people of Gibeon by the hands of Joshua. Such is the case of as many that are under the government of Christ. When they call upon Him, they shall be saved.


Hosanna is not a shout or song of bread and beans. It was never meant to be. It was a cry of people seeking freedom and salvation. It means “save us now.” As at when the people of Israel were crying "HOSANNA, HOSANNA" unto Christ Jesus during His triumphant entry, this was their cry. They needed salvation. They wanted it at all cost. They wanted a man who would deliver them from the tyranny of the Roman burden and yoke. They wanted a man who would come turn the political arena around just as we are craving in our days. They wanted a man who would change the economy situation to turn the market in the favour of the masses just as we are clamouring for the same in this our time and age. They were disappointed. Yes, that was the case with them and the same is happening to us now. You must have heard people saying “how can children of God be suffering what people are suffering in the government, economy, financial market etc.?” As many people who are asking this question are misunderstanding the basis of Christ Jesus’ salvation.


Listen, the first thing Jesus came to save us from is not from economic hardship. He didn’t come to save us from our corrupt and epileptic educational system so as to make it a globally renowned. He didn't come to save our social systems as it were. Jesus didn’t come to save the cataclysmic and corruptible state of our political arenas. No! However important and needful these things are, they weren't the main reason. The primary reason Jesus Christ came into the world is to SAVE US FROM SINS. Jesus saves the total man from sins. This was, is and will ever be His assignment –

“…and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save his people from their sins – Matt. 1:21.”


Beloved, friends, colleagues, enemies and whoever you are, listen and may the Lord give us understanding. The good news unto us this day is – JESUS SAVES. He saves all manner of men – the drunk, addicted, rich, poor, proud, wicked, weak, strong, ill-deserving, hell-deserving and undeserving people. Yes, Jesus saves. As He is saving the high and mighty in the society, He is never out of power and grace to deliver the lawful captives too.


Before we begin to ask for the King that will save and revive our economic situation, let us cry out unto the King of kings to save us from our sins. Before we begin to carry a placard with superscription – “We need change. And change we must.” Let our heart and mouth be the placards to the King of kings to change our heart from this stony-like and iron-like structure it possesses and make it the heart of flesh, so tender and willing to obey God.


The disciples came to Jesus Christ, they had to call upon Him to save them. If the disciples could do that what are we to do who aren’t disciples at all. If their manner of reaching out to Christ Jesus was qualified as “saying”, let ours be “crying” and “shouting” so that He will hear our cry and hearken to our shout. No other person has the power to save man from destruction and eternal punishment that await the unrepentant and ungodly except Christ Jesus. If the righteous be scarely saved, to where shall the sinners and ungodly appear? This is the reason to call upon Him because – “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Call unto Jesus today and now. He saves!



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