“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams – Acts. 2:17.”


As we know that the day is fast approaching that the Lord God of hosts would separate the chaff from the wheat. The day that the goats are to be set apart from the sheep. When the wolves in sheep clothing shall be exposed and the flattery of the devil shall be foiled and exposed – the days is coming.


Yes, we are in the last days. We shall highlight come points which are noticeable or peculiar to these days. We have the positive and the negative ones. There are signs which the Lord has given unto us that are to be used to determine and identify if truly we are in the last days. We shall consider the positive and the negative thereby.


First, hereby we know that we are in the last days, in that the Lord has promised to pour out of His Spirit unto and upon all flesh. We are in these days because prophesy and visions are enlarged and increased. The knowledge of the word of the Lord is covering the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. God is speaking to us in dreams and visions using similitudes –

“I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets – Hos. 12:10.”
Deep and secret things are unveiled to us yet there are things that eyes are yet to see.


Another sign is that we see the mountain of the Lord’s house being exalted and lifted up above all mountains and hills. Souls are coming into the Lord’s family. We have records of salvation in odd places and regions where we could have assumed or concluded such should not take place. Of a truth –

“The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up – Matt. 4:16.”


In these last days, we can as well assert that the word of God increased and multiplied. The bible has never been so much translated into many languages as it is presently. True, persecution is present but the growth of the kingdom of God cannot be denied. What are you still waiting for? Come on! Arise and be part of this great move of God in these last days.


We are not ignorant of the devices of the wicked and the wiles of the devil. None of us cannot deny this. As we are getting closer to the pearly gate of the Father’s house so is the Satan’s fortress where arrows and all manner of weapons are targeted and projected against the children of the Kingdom of God. Perilous times are evident in these days. There was never a time when heresy has so widely accepted and endorsed even more than those days when wiles and ungodly popery wits were on the pulpits and pews. These are the days when the people are walking in their own lust after their wicked ways.


True, the kingdom of God is increasing. Jesus already told us that would be the case. Nevertheless, He also said the wheat and the chaff should be allowed to grow together until the last days when the time of harvest shall come and God would send His angels to the harvest to gather in the wheat into the barn and the chaff into unquenchable fire. Deception increases due to increase in knowledge. Don’t be deceived.


Now, this is the period of the time known as the last days. As God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh, so we have the spirit of the power of the air, the spirit which now works in the life of the children of disobedience. Where do you fit or belong in these last days? If Jesus is not yours, you’re damned already.



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