
Showing posts from May, 2021


 REST IN THE LORD Another day in the year. Lest you forget, today is the one hundred and twenty first day of the year. Approximately, the one-third part of the year. Now, look back (we don’t mean to backslide or be proud). We mean, look through and see the works of God in all these we have mentioned so far. The beginning of the fifth month of the year. There is enough reason to thank God. “But why do you expect me to thank God?” Sir, you have asked a good question. “Me? Thank God? For what? I don’t have this; I don’t have that. See my health, it’s failing. Look at my business, the economy is not encouraging. Behold my family, there is discombobulation. So why thank God?” Friend, relax. You’ve given your reasons and tenable excuses. Fine! No argument with you Sir. We aren’t going to wrestle together with you in words, ma. Listen and let the Spirit of God minister to you. The reasons you’ve stated not to thank God are still the same reasons you would have to thank Him. Look and look ...


 PRAYER: REST IN THE LORD Many are Thy works and lovingkindness, Oh Lord. They are much than what we can estimate. We say they are “marvelous in our eyes” because they are past finding out. If we had sought for them and found them, we would have said, “our wisdom and might brought us what we desired.” This would have limited our reference for you and the rate at which we honour you. In this awe, we come to you to declare unto you that which is written concerning you in Thy book that, “the secret things belong to God but those things that are revealed belong to us…” Therefore, Father, we thank you for little fragments out of your numerous secrets which you have revealed to us so far. Why would you have confided in us so much and well to have revealed such classified information unto mortals even the hidden things from the foundation of the world which are not known to the hosts of heaven? Lord, we say like David that, “who is man?” Who am I before? A dust! A speck of particle in the...


 MADE FAT We are grateful once again to God Almighty for His goodness and wonderful works towards us. How marvelous are Thy deeds, Heavenly Father! We are to cultivate the habit and attitude of praising God at all times by the help of the Holy Spirit. It is for our own good when we live to worship and adore God and exalt His Name. But it is a pity that, there are some who feel uncomfortable calling the name of God among their friends and in the public. Saying a word of prayer over their meals before eating – to call the name of Jesus becomes a difficult task for them. Why? We are to be proud of our Heavenly Father. We have the best Dad in the world. Children of God, let us tell the world about our Father and in turn, we should tell the world to our Father. WHEREFORE KICK YE AT MY SACRIFICE AND AT MINE OFFERING, WHICH I HAVE COMMANDED IN MY HABITATION; AND HONOUREST THY SONS ABOVE ME, TO MAKE YOURSELVES FAT WITH THE CHIEFEST OF ALL THE OFFERINGS OF ISRAEL MY PEOPLE? – 1Samuel 2:29. ...


 PRAYER: MADE FAT Here we stand in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! Beloved, let us rejoice and sing a joyful song unto our Maker who was, who is and is to come from everlasting to everlasting, The Almighty. The world behind us the Lord before us, we follow, we maintain our gaze by the help of the Most High God through His Spirit in us. We won’t look back neither are we going to deny Him. Many are the works of God unto us. They are more than we can number. The Lord loves and preserves us from all evil and pestilence. We are alive today because His mercies kept us. Indeed, we are grateful to God for all He is doing for us. Sometimes, when the answers to our prayer seem to be tarrying too long to stir up or cause doubt in us. During this period, the Spirit of the Lord comes to us to keep our company telling us the unfathomable dimension and power of God in doing all things bringing all His acts and deeds from previous years till date to our remembrance. It is in this we...


 MADE FAT – II Father of glory, we adore and bless your Holy Name this day for you alone are our God. In you we trust never to be ashamed or dismayed. You are our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms. That same outstretched hand and arm that saved your people (Israel) from captivity and their slavery is mighty to save and deliver us as well. For your numerous blessings and other goodly things, you blessed love and care give to us, we are very grateful for these. You preserve our going out and coming in. Who else would have done this for us but you? In time of insecurity and evil, Lord, you are our Keeper and Saviour. Thank you, Lord! We forever cast down our crowns and royal diadems and make you the Lord of all. Almighty God, to you be all the glory both now and forever more. Amen. THE SWORD OF THE LORD IS FILLED WITH BLOOD, IT IS MADE FAT WITH FATNESS, AND WITH THE BLOOD OF LAMBS AND GOATS, WITH THE FAT OF THE KIDNEYS OF RAMS: FOR THE LORD HATH A SACRIFICE IN BOZRAH, AND...


 PRAYER: MADE FAT – II Nevertheless, a man being in honour and understandeth it not, is like a beast that perishes. Know ye not that you are in a honourable position? What honourable position? You queried. O Man! Humble thyself and take away your pride. What have you that is different from others? Moreover, you must have received it from God. So, why the puffing up? However, rich, wise or honourable man is, he must die. Tell me, why do you boast in vanity and glory in things that are temporary. Beauty? It shall fade. Money? It maketh itself wings and flies away. Position? It’s not forever. Breath? Once it is taken, the whole body lies lifeless like a log of wood unmoved, unshaken and unwanted save it is meet for fire. But you, O man, if you die without a sure hope of eternal life, it’s just like when beast dies. Can you differentiate the skeletal bones of that rich man in your town who died ten years ago from that of the poor beggar by the road side, who also died years back? Can y...


 MAKE HASTE! Hallelujah! God be praised and adored both now and forever. In all things, not one or two; not even millions or thousands but in all; we are to give thanks for this is the will of God for us in Christ. Few people can boldly say they know the magnitude and depth of this responsibility and duty expected from and of man. I have often come short of this, so are you. In some cases, we find it so hard and difficult to gather strength and courage to praise and thank God due to one reason or the other. Nevertheless, we thank God for sending us His Spirit in those moments to fetch us out of the well of sorrow, dungeon of perplexity and from the pity of bitterness. He then lifts us up and make us walk upon our high places. Hallelujah! This day, we need to lift up our voices to adore the name of God to pledge our allegiance to Him that by His grace, mercy and help nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Praise ye the Lord! I MADE HASTE, AND DELAYED NOT TO KEEP THY COMMAN...


  PRAYER: MAKE HASTE!   With a joyful song, we rise today to the glory of our God and to praise Him forever. What a blessed day it is for us when we walk in the Lord and in the light of His word. Let the people of the Lord, sing songs upon their beds. Though sorrow comes, in this we trust that the Lord will make our beds in peace and comfort. Though darkness seems to vile the face of the Lord, yet our anchors hold on the Solid Rock. All other rocks might fail but the Rock of Ages will not. Other grounds may suddenly turn to sinking ones, but in Christ Jesus we have found a sure foundation which the storms and winds of the world cannot deter. Oh that we may live holy forever for God to have the preeminence! Father, purge us and cleanse us for your use and glory in the name of Jesus.   Today, the rate at which we disobey God is unbelievably alarming. He calls but we won’t answer. Every time, He beckons to us but it’s as if it is not enough. We have transgressed in...