TAKE HEED TO THY SELF: WHAT YOU SAY It is not uncommon nowadays to hear people speak against their leaders, as if when they get to that same position they will do better. My advice, BE CAREFUL! Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and SPEAK EVIL OF DIGNITIES. - BUT THESE SPEAK EVIL OF THOSE THINGS WHICH THEY KNOW NOT: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves - Jude:1:8;10. How sure are you that when you get to that position or state you will perform better. Again, you must be careful... Don't take this as politically inspired words, no at all. Concerning what you say, YOU'D NEED TO BE CAREFUL. Either positive or negative... Don't forget that, THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH IS I THE TONGUE. Most children cursed their parents because of one unpleasant situation in the family or the other owing to poverty and the likes... Just for them to grow up and see how things really are; that they aren...