
Showing posts from January, 2020


TAKE HEED TO THY SELF: WHAT YOU SAY It is not uncommon nowadays to hear people speak against their leaders, as if when they get to that same position they will do better. My advice, BE CAREFUL! Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and SPEAK EVIL OF DIGNITIES. - BUT THESE SPEAK EVIL OF THOSE THINGS WHICH THEY KNOW NOT: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves - Jude:1:8;10. How sure are you that when you get to that position or state you will perform better. Again, you must be careful... Don't take this as politically inspired words, no at all. Concerning what you say, YOU'D NEED TO BE CAREFUL. Either positive or negative... Don't forget that, THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH IS I THE TONGUE. Most children cursed their parents because of one unpleasant situation in the family or the other owing to poverty and the likes... Just for them to grow up and see how things really are; that they aren...


TRUST GOD In this world there are troubles, trials, discouragement, valleys and disappointment enough. No human would dare to argue this. I won't assume, are you on the contrary? Let's hear your say Sir. This same world where, husband murdered wife for ritual... Wife implicated husband for the sake of properties. Children are planning master coup for parents especially armed robbery... In some part of the world where polygamous marriage is practiced and legalised the situation could be worse... Friends betrayed each other, remember Jesus and Judas... For the fact that his name is Peter, Paul, James, John, Emmanuel, David, Joseph doesn't mean he can be trusted. Though that should not be the case. Haaaa! Don't worry she's Deborah, Ruth, Rebecca, Mary, Dorcas, or Esther does not mean she is worthy of trust. Even our educational system (INSTITUTIONS, SCHOOLS) cannot be trusted with our children; facts and figures show this to be true. Not even Banks. You can...


LIKENESS OF GOD Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world - 1 John:4:17. I'm just happy to know that when Christ shall come, we shall be like him. Though it does not appear to be so now but with full assurance in His word, most assuredly, we shall be like Him... What's so delightful and joyous than to know and realise you're the likeness of God? What a state of privilege and honour! I mean exalted and lifted high position. Not like the Cherubim, Seraphim and not even like the angelic beings; but like God! Hallelujah!!! Oh my Lord just make me to continually see that I'm in your likeness in Jesus' Name. Many would have sold all they had to earn or better still inherit this status... I tell you of a Truth, it's more than what money can buy. Thank you God for this priceless inheritance. I searched and couldn't find what in us would get us to such an elevated platform wh...


ABODE OF INIQUITY Leave me! Let me alone! Was the cry of the man in bondage. Every now and then, there is a shout and sigh heard from his abode. Morning and night mark the persistence of the cry, with the clock ticking, its consistence cannot be overridden. His voice was heard from the great beyond. He desired freedom but it was far from him. He wanted liberation, yet it was not within his reach. In his groaning, he has forgotten that, KNOW YE NOT, THAT TO WHOM YE YIELD YOURSELVES SERVANTS TO OBEY, HIS SERVANTS YE ARE TO Whom Ye Obey;... - Romans:6:16. Perhaps, it escaped his mind that, little drops of water make a mighty ocean as it is written, "PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT, LINE UPON LINE" In this agony, he needed help desperately. All vices have been used, methods have been adopted, principles followed and philosophy engaged, all to no avail. He craved for escape but no way out. Strength was not enough, wisdom would not come to his rescue to save him, till he understood Eccles...


DRIVE THEM OUT This we must all do. We need to drive them out - all of them. This world has supported a whole lot of evil and it's as if we all are silent. I believe Isaiah felt the same way before penning the fiftieth and nine chapter verse fifteen YEA, TRUTH FAILETH; AND HE THAT DEPARTETH FROM EVIL MAKETH HIMSELF A PREY:... Look around and you will keep seeing atrocities and calamities. Something must have gone wrong, and we're not asking why? Coldness in love and conscience being shared with hot iron, and we didn't care to find out the cause... Souls are perishing and it appears cool to us. You have enough, a brother doesn't and you told him, GOD BLESS YOU. Haaaa! The Apostles would not have done that. Peter and John before telling the man at the BEAUTIFUL GATE to rise up in Jesus' Name, they told him they had nothing; which was apparently understood. Back to the topic, DRIVE THEM OUT. The land that should be occupied by the children of Israel was occupied ...


WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE Would God that everyone be successful, but surely it has to be done, to be. I hate it when something unpleasant happens but what lacerate me the most is the comment people give as "what will be will be." This statement makes it sound as if we cannot do anything about it. I disagree for through Christ I can do all things. Brethren, if you prepare well, you will be successful, what will be will be. But if you fail to prepare, for sure your failure will find you out. Yes, what will be will be. You have the whole day to build yourself spiritually, intellectually, and physically. If you do, what will be will be and if you don't still on the same lane of history. There are always better ways of doing things. Whenever we hear the above statement, we should know that if something should have been done; who knows maybe what will be won't be anymore. There was a widow in the times(days) of Elijah when famine was at climax. This situation and condition ...


PRAYER: Then Jonah Prayed ----Jonah 2:1 I think, everyone of us, ought to know that there is more to prayer than we have ever known. For more than or close to five/six hundred decades, the place of prayer could not be underrated neither can you overestimate it. What can we do without prayer? Some people stipulated theory that, "when you pray, God sends angels but when you praise, God comes down". What does it matter? Why I won't dispute this, I'm neither in support of it. However, in my opinion, I perceive they don't understand PRAYER. Prayer has been one of the most powerful tool God ever gave to man to use withal. And began men to call unto to name of the Lord (Gen. 4:26). Abraham built an altar and called upon the name of the Lord (Gen. 12:8). Deborah, Samson, Gideon, Saul, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, even the obstinate Jonah, as you may want to call him, all prayed. I hear someone said, that's the old testament. Maybe or maybe not. Jesus prea...


I AM TIRED (Job 16:7, Psalms 63:1) Sometimes I wonder what sort of hurly-burly humans practice in their daily life. People use lies to advance their course of life calling them strategies in most cases. This also is a disease common to mankind and a deadly ailment among men. What a disaster and dilemma in human race whereby people kill and call that worship. Luke-warmness in services and programmes filled with excitement but no conviction and they think that to be normal. More so, many are deviating from the practical and healing truth of Christ, love and unity is now tagged to be a thing of the past. These and many more have made me to voice out and confess that “I’M TIRED.” I’m tired of this four-corner building called church which has encouraged complacency and a sense of security among people not to propagate the gospel with boldness irrespective of the situation. Is this church? I’m tired of a state where persecution has replaced prosecution. I’m tired of a gathering where pe...

Full of UPs and DOWNs: Do you believe?

Full of UPs and DOWNs: Do you believe? The above stated theory is believed to have crept into us that we've concluded without questions. The postulation has been adopted into every activities full of hurly-burly. In people's tittle-tattle kind of or way of things, this theorem has been concessional. And just like little children when told not to do something by their parents, we've lived this far without questioning too at this stage and age. What? You've now reasoned to ask, Right? 1. What is full of UPs and DOWNs? 2. Who said it/this? 3. When was it told/How old is this belief? Let me hang on there; I will try as much as possible to answer the above questions to the best of my knowledge and if there are contrary opinions, I'm open for clarity and correction. Answer to the Questions 1. They say life is full of UPs and DOWNs. 2. I don't know the person. 3. Seriously, I don't know when it was said and how long. If you know, please tell me ... ...


TAKE NOTHING - Part III Are we any better with all we've taken? Or are we any less for not taking them. The children of Levi would have thought that God was cruel and wicked at first for not giving them an inheritance alongside their brethren. This could be mostly ascribed to them not knowing the mind of God. When God told them not to take anything or share with the remaining tribe, they would have felt used, cheated or wasted; just like most of us do feel nowadays. We go about complaining, nagging and murmuring our lack, wants and needs. Is God not aware? For your Heavenly Father know that ye have need of them, saith Jesus. Now to the Levites, they had no inheritance to share with their brethren...did that make them destitute, wretched or any poorer? At all. THE PRIESTS THE LEVITES, AND SHALL HAVE NO PART NOR INHERITANCE WITH ISRAEL:...Deuteronomy:18:1. If you were to be in their shoes then, what would your reaction be? They followed well the hymn which says, LET'S GO TO...


TAKE NOTHING – Part II Previously, we’ve learnt about what take nothing could mean. Today the aspect of take nothing we shall be going through is “THOUGHT.” Take no thought on what? You would like to know, right? The Lord did not leave us in the dark concerning this. Categorically, there are four aspects He addressed Life – Mt. 6:25, Luke 12:22. Food (Eat/Drink) – Mt. 6:25, 31; Cloth - Mt. 6:25, 31; Speech – Mark 13:11 Let’s be sincere to ourselves and truthful to God. Aren’t we troubled about the listed items above? We sure do. Why? Because we think we need more than God’s promise to survive. That’s a spirit of error. I plead you cast that out. How on earth could we believe we need more than God to live. Is the Omnipotent power now failing? God forbid! Are His thoughts towards changing? Be it far from Him. Could it be that He’s a liar and that He won’t fulfill that which He’s said? Capital NO, Let God be true! Does it mean that He’s no longer the Sovereign God over all ab...


TAKE NOTHING - Part I Maybe in the nearest future something worthwhile would be written on/about  THE BLESSEDNESS OF POSSESSING NOTHING. I just want us to reason together even as the Scriptures support that we do so... Let's go through this adventure of God's mind together..who knows maybe in His mercy He would make one or two things known to us thereof. Most challenges we encounter on a daily basis are as a result of what I call UNNECESSARY LUGGAGES. These luggages come in form of CARES, THOUGHTS, TROUBLES, AND ANYTHING THAT GETS THE HEART BURGLED AND WEIGHED DOWN.  This pound of loads has enough weight to cause depression, oppression, suppression and any other forms of PRESS causing heaviness of the heart. The very reason the Lord Jesus said, "DO NOT LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED". Our Saviour knew about this when he told the disciples in a short form of TAKE NOTHING i.e. "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses; Nor scrip for your journey...


NOW THAT YOU KNOW Know what you asked? That's; Salvation comes of the Lord and not by any form of fretting or good works, why then don't you go to Him for yours. A delay is too deadly a time to waste in this case. I'm also convinced you know by now that Jesus is coming. Yes, you have this conviction in your heart. You can't afford to continue living your life the same way compared to those in the world. It's brought to your knowledge this day again as a reminder that, WE BROUGHT NOTHING TO THIS WORLD NEITHER WOULD YOU TAKE ANYTHING OUT OF IT. I'm sure you know this.... All this your flamboyant and glamorous but questionable lifestyle is too costly and risky to put your mansion on high on mortgage... If at you know you have one. Without gainsaying, you should have known that, striving with your Maker makes you to be in the same category with a potsherd... What's potsherd here? You're reduced to a piece. Also, you should have heard this and com...


SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing - Psalms:100:2 Delight in divine service is a sign of acceptance with God. Those who serve God with a sad countenance, because they do what is unpleasant to them, are not serving Him at all; they bring the form of homage but the life is absent. Our God requires no slaves to grace His throne; He is the Lord of the empire of love, and would have His servants dressed in the livery of joy.  THE ANGELS OF GOD SERVE HIM WITH SONGS, NOT WITH GROANS; A MURMUR OR A SIGH WOULD BE A MUTINY IN THEIR RANKS. THAT OBEDIENCE WHICH IS NOT VOLUNTARY—IS DISOBEDIENCE , for the Lord looks at the heart, and if He sees that we serve Him from force, and not because we love Him—He will reject our offering. Service coupled with cheerfulness is heart-service, and therefore true service. Take away joyful willingness from the Christian, and you have removed the test of his sincerity. IF A MAN IS FORC...


YOU HAVE WORTH I'm sure most of us have heard this saying, vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. Should in case you've been thinking over and over again that you are worthless, such as Nathaniel asked Philip, can anything good come out of Nazareth. Maybe, you've placed yourself in the shoe of the prodigal by playing the harlot and squandering your inheritance. Now all you could think of is that, oh! I'm not worthy to be called your Son but just make me one of your servants. What  a state of degradation! Or you've laid your hands on the accused... Have you done something so terrible that you find it hard to forgive yourself? Now you see yourself wasteful as dung... Haba!!! Can your wrong overcome the omnipotent power of The Almighty not to have mercy? Will your unrighteousness make the righteousness of God vain? God forbid. Can your sins nullify the cleansing effect of The Sanctifier? Not at all. There's Hope for you today... Don't be decieved. If God would g...


THE PLUMBLINE This morning, let's look into three areas of our life; living (life), loving and lending. We are quick and asp to place people on the weighing machine leaving ourselves behind. We've taken it as business to try and estimate to which extent a person has performed; where as, we overlooked our own deformity. Let's try this on ourselves. If you're to place yourself on the plumbline of God, what weighest thou? 1. Life: If your life is weighed by men, I believe you co uld earn yourself a good accolades and remarks ... Not he that commends himself is commendable but He whom God commends. Within and without is our living to the standard expected of us by God? 2. Love: God commands us to love Him with all our heart, might, strength, soul and our neighbours as well. Do you? All of us are defaulters in this level, including myself... Ask yourself this question. Have I ever/really loved God with all my heart? Before you answer, let me call your attention to this. S...


STRONG IN WEAKNESS If anyone ever told you Christianity makes people weak...that person doesn't know the Alpha and the Omega, whose we are and whom we serve. No doubt the challenges you experienced this year made you wiser, stronger and more resilient. Isn't it? Only those who were taken aback by their situations would accept defeat. But not you my Brother, truly you're weak, that's when the strength of the Lord comes forth... ...for MY strength is made perfect in your weak. In all these, the testimony of man was, WE'RE MORE THAN CONQUERORS. Let's see and open the scroll of records a little. You've been sick this year, now you're enjoying the best of health the GREAT PHYSICIAN has given. Turbulent in family affairs, yet the God by whom the whole family in heaven and on Earth is named has given you peace and serenity. Maybe yours was joblessness, barrenness, promise-and-fail, and the unknown but in these, people are wondering how come you're are st...


IN THE BEGINNING There's something peculiar and different when the start of a thing is experienced or perceived; it gives a sense or aura of THERE'S TIME. This is a good ground on which the basis of the end is built... BETTER IS THE END OF A THING THAN THE BEGINNING THEREOF, at least there's a beginning to make comparison with... There are some legacies to be implemented and principles to follow as it is a beginning. Don't let us take this beginning with levity in order not to promote laziness. It is this act or feeling of, THERE'S TIME, THERE'S TIME that makes the work undone, project unexecuted, vision unrealistic and mission unreached. Jesus said, the beginning it was not so... Therefore, everything that ought not to be in the beginning must be dealth with ... A good beginning to you


ADVOCATE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS From the ink of my pen through to the ball point tip, I write this with every sense of urgency within. The Apostle Paul of the church cried out with a loud voice filled with indignation, "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do - Romans:7:19". Oh what a state of helplessness! Yet he thought he was fighting for the good course. WHERE ARE THE ADVOCATES? Where are the way faring men? To which path are those who fought the good fight trod? And again I ask, where are the advocates for righteousness? Without controversy, on every side, it seems we already have them around us. The people within our cycles, neighbours and relatives. Almost every time, every now and then, you hear them speak, and preach righteousness. This got me thinking that truly, "... for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh - Matthew:12:34" Troubled still in my heart, I asked, then if we have such people preaching ...


WHO DECEIVED US? - Part I Deception has been given various definitions but it's getting clearer by the day that with all our KNOW-HOW and meaning about this subject, we're undoubtedly being deceived...not all but many, "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way - 2 Thessalonians:2:7" ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED: Who brought this to us...probably it has fallen into wrong hands who have misinterpreted the concept and the nitty-gritty of the Gospel... Where should we then place the word of Christ which says, "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: "but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." -Matthew:10:22" TOO MUCH OF PRAYER: Why this again... Some will tell us not to rely on prayer alone that we should take steps ... Is praying not part of steps... We've been made to believe that we can pray too much. Capital NO. Should we then discard the word of J...


WHO DECEIVED US? PART I From the previous part,, the ministry of prayer is gradually being watered down. Where as, we do find time to eat and we won't say WE EAT TOO MUCH. We allocate part of our day to materialise carnal things without any thought of being too much. Why must it be prayer? Take it or leave it, if you're not praying, YOU'RE PROUD. It's just another way of saying GOD I DON'T NEED YOU. PERTAINING TO HOLINESS: Talk of holiness before people nowadays; they will say, IT DOES NOT MATTER, CHRIST PAID/DID IT ALL. Agreed! He did it all. But is this a good reason to abandon that which he has committed to us. Don't forget Jesus said, "... MY FATHER WORKETH HITHERTO, AND I WORK -John:5:17". Shall we then say, the Scriptures which says, "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.-1 Peter:1:15-16", can be broken? God forbid! RIGHTEOUSNESS IS ...


IT'S A MUST! In life, there are some things that are compulsory to do. If closely examined, they really don't matter. In career, many prospective ideas are generated and executed relating to the profitability and productivity of the firm and organisation. Nonetheless, all of those are good but when you think deeply, only one thing counts. In marriage, there are diversity in culture, belief, background, literacy level, and others. These and many more have made people to think about inventions of making their marriage HEAVEN ON EARTH. It's so amazing to discover that most of the inventions last just but for a moment. Only ONE THING counts. YOU EDUCATIONISTS, don't fret. Especially those in mathematical fields or any discipline of study that has to do with proving theorems, formulating formulas, postulating theories and discovering new models through researches. While all these are necessary for this world, only one thing is really necessary and at the same time i...


HARKEN TO INSTRUCTION There is something about HUMAN we all are yet to fathom to understand. Within the inner most part of HIM, he seems to comprehend and grasp whatever that comes to sight. Which is at the bearest minimum erroneous. NOTE: if we are to act or do things based on what is seen only, assumption will betray us and knowledge with judge us. We all are guilty of this. The challenge here is that, because we've seen something done that way, we tend to repeat it as it was done. That's assumption. Take for instance, you bought a standing fan in market place, you wouldn't need anyone to tell you how to use it right? If you think that way, you're wrong. Instructions are not gotten in COMMON PLACE. They are meant to be followed and obeyed. There's always a cost for getting instruction and another cost for performing it. Haaaa! That's how my father has been doing it. Oh! My mother did it exactly that way. Also, my friends have been following these ...


DARE TO BE A LABOURER? Let's examine this together this day. This is another cogent and vital topic we need to cross-check to know what the end holds. Whenever the word labour comes to mind, we think of toiling, suffering, stress and other unpleasant situations. Little did we know that there's more to this than it appears. FOR WE ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD:... 1 Corinthians:3:9. Really? Then this shouldn't mean what you are thinking; for God cannot toil, suffer neither can He be stressed. The labourers we are examining here are of the kingdom of God... Are you a labourer? What's your labour? Aren't you labouring for that which will perish? Remember Jesus said, *LABOUR NOT FOR THE MEAT WHICH PERISHETH...JOHN:6:27 This has to do with your heart also ... FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO... The act of laying up treasure is labouring. We have pastors many, but few labourers. There are multitudes of Pharisees, scribes, priests, of Re...


What a veil is lifted up by these words and what a disclosure is made! It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile, and see this sad sight. THE INIQUITIES OF OUR PUBLIC WORSHIP:—its hypocrisy, formality, lukewarmness, irreverence, wandering of heart and forgetfulness of God—what a full measure have we there! THE INIQUITIES OF OUR WORK FOR THE LORD:—its ambition, selfishness, carelessness, slackness, unbelief—what a mass of defilement is there! Our private devotions—their laxity, coldness, neglect, sleepiness, and vanity—what a mountain of dead earth is there! If we looked more carefully—we would find this iniquity of the holy things, to be far greater than appears at first sight. Payson, writing to his brother, says, “My parish, as well as my heart, very much resembles the garden of the sluggard; and what is worse, I find that very many of my desires for the improvement of both, proceed either from pride or vanity or indolence. I look at the weeds which overspread...


TARRIER AT THE WINE Have you ever thought about it, that the first mention of wine in the Scriptures has to do with shamefacedness and nakedness? Ask Noah on this, he has something tangible to tell us - Gen. 9:21. Does it mean wine is bad? Nay! Who're we to call what God makes clean, unclean. Going by biblical knowledge, wine is meant for celebration... Should we then make void the watchfulness given us by tarrying long at the table? God forbid! Wine is a mocker. Why? The time spent on it makes it so. Many homes have been wrecked due to this liquid substance. Many destinies have been shattered  due to it. Savings are squandered! This qas discovered before the writer of Proverbs said, ...IT'S NOT FOR KINGS TO DRINK WINE 🍷. To what effect? It brings about forgetfulness of the law and perversion of judgement. Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath REDNESS OF EYES? The answer to the above questions is...